Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 407, 10 Malaki 1892 — THE NECESSITY OF [Illegible] [ARTICLE]
rml<>r ewM forni .»f p <uttoih>;. nlul lawB rc*Bt Uf.<«n nnil hi-i» upl>«4vi bv p'ililie «pinioe. if iUh! «ipiniui. W ri|{ht. lin' iii«UUitu>nK. »*ustomfr«k! In\VH ur*» riplit ainl j*nt: if it l«» vvr<mg % tl»ry «rt* ut;juM. ft i* •*f Jittl»? ooii«m|u£ihw ? ii;it !au>j .jr»« ju3t. if tl»»»rf» it« uo to nphni.l the»jn. Xur w lf »»f vrry -ot 4i»fiBi*|U<»yc , '> lh.it :U'c itiJv j >4*l, if hu*V.ing ihU s.»in* m?j)|>ort. I*t*l ► *i«* opinion i?» «npn u* . Thi* pr.* hani»**! of it«» i is,. otVnir'»«». th; law of thv laf «i; |H*- \ ;>ui.»r hloim* U »»<U Klif- \ fi»'i« k i»t. hut th/? hiw. ri v !»t8 ujK»n t!io »»'gtio»«ot, nt»J fiotXht Wnlim«»i»t' njH»n Uw» in »f* <dhfrtou»HhiW«fore. why»i. !o be v t : kii» f V > • v. *
-corrocted, public <Ungec« »*«rUd, or re{orma inauguiafced r the vork muBt becfin by touchmg pubiic opiuion. It«annot be done by simpiv touebing *nii altoring th<* iaw lf lx>pular Kenthnent is not what it shouM *t\j, it nuiHi bc moi(Jed into proper fonn. This meana edusation; and educiilion is but anotiier name for agitation. 1 We eoulU. <ioubtlesf, bettor, und-1 erstand aiul «appreoiate this werej , we living in Ihoae »tirri»g tiines J | whieh precedt*d our C'ivil War, when | : agitation was the order of the day, j—when we might perhaj»s have I iisten«Ki to Bome of tho«e great «pij rita who well underatood itf value 1 ap an educator of pubiic mind. |They have, fortunatoiy, iefi thctr i testimony bebind Uiem. 0f theee, j ftiere was none greater than thAtj ! pterleBfi Auterican orator, \Vendell ' Phiiiipe. In the l<ing; and fienje | agitation upon tbe of pla-: verv, he -was first and fnremost. ■ He made hi» b»sines«. ! He beikved firmly in tlie sup/eme | potencv of ideas, Uie minds of un mtc!lhinkiug K«4ter than ilioBt ofth*! ! men of IŪB dav or our?», lie Reeniß ti> j i have realiz< j d that "eternal vigi-1 ; lauee ih ' he priee r.f lil>erty." Ilis: Wbtimoi)y upan thiB point is worth | | n'peating. \Vouid that it might | iring forever in the ears of theBlet»|>y Bentinels lo wliiMii guardianBl>ip ia ( intrusted llie liUtrties" wuieh ars 1 our» to-d»i/. \V.ould that they were housi*hold wjrīī:> throughout ihe :lengtb and breadth of the innd. The wordn are taken fr<iga one of ! hie public $oeeehe*. 11e eaid: — j "Eaeh inun here, in faet; hohln ! hi» propt?rty and hit» life dependeut !on the eonsti:nt presence of an agiUalion like this of anti-»»lavery i Elenial vigilaiK:e is the pri< e of liherty: power k ever stealing from tbe many to the few. The manna of m>pular lllīerty nuiBt be gath<'red eaeh d«y, or it i« rottcn. The | living eap ot tc-day outgro\vs the jdead rind ot* The hatid j intrneted with power beoomes either froni human dei)ravity or rxf,rit th i\ie necesf<ary enemv | of the people. <)nly hv emainual j ov<Trfight e;ui the demoerat in olliee be prevented from hardening inU» . a de-iv/t: «<nlv by unin terii:i(ted ajrltatioii eaii a j>e«»i>le b«j kept suili - ■riently av,aK • «o prii4eiple and noi to • let liberty lw siuothcri-d in ina(erial i );rohperity. i "Home men supp<>sv' th it in { order tu the peopie s ! tii«mBeiv<it is on;iy Rece.Bft.ary, a8 Fii»ber Anies< Baid, tha* the 'nphiH of nian U- printed. And lhat everv eitizen reee:\ e aeopy:i» th*» Epieu(wo t».osan<l yeArn ag<v iml agined v» k1 r being wh«> nrranged jthis m«rve!(>vs maehinwv. ««t it coifig. and U:»n sunk to sleep. !teput>li« , «i exi»f onty on the tenure ot '*eing e«»ijytah' ly agitatudi The • a*»Yti-t<li»v»*ry ajstation i* an im poriantau eipenhal j*»rt of ni;ieiin<*ry «»f f he Btate. It 18 ti--t f i <iise,ise uor mt>diciiH). No; i-a n the nortnnl »»ut" "f th<* Xever, to our iai*>t pi'su ritv, e:in we aH'<»rd todo w;ih/rurpmpti:>'t*.',fi|ce <iarri«on to Kiir up th<« tiiotioi«iny orwenlth a#id the p<s»ple to fhe great • ide«p th.it ai> oonstantiy fttt)ing out| | of»ur ii!iad»,— to tmubU* th« waters>, 1 »th|t there imiy be It»yilth in iheir l flow " . ' ' •.-! Kver Ulāt 4feiUlfion tiitiwii«d #)!}>• dvii war ( th« gr«at to { ,;• i •
individu&i liherty kw&en fadii»g out o£ iimhi!» mimU, add th« maiiti« of Phiiipa BeQmeB to have fallen upon no auoooBBor. But his worda are as truo to-day as wheu they wew» first ut[tered. We $mnot {>l<icft dep«>ndenoQ apon exiB(ing iawß, or upon any future iegai enaetments. ap bulwarks around our 1 lil»erMeB. whiil agitation ceasea to |ptir the popu ar :iiind upon the | |Bubject. Liberty Btandn aecuri< jonly when it h|as reared about it a I !buiwark of |eolightened pul)lie| sentiment. ! \ t . A. T. ' i ■■■ :-v." :■