Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 407, 10 March 1892 — "Be Just and Fear Not." [ARTICLE]
"Be Just and Fear Not."
\Ve 1» w f.n»l llie iw»t>]e rieiitim«'t»t **i.*lī ki thf ab<>ve s«*utriu «', «n'i li;iv»' oft n \vh<: c<l to see it mor* fiiithfullT < v arrk«J out bv <»ur i*ont'?ujtor4ry. uh»> fiies jt itf? niolU . It is a £ ( > f ui r »ne to follow. itrnl its we !];• < ii in heart, u e are ri%*r : ntfpir< il by ir«i »nnoh linp infiu<'M( <v t<> d<> nght v t/ithout f»»ar or fav r. aml vrthoist being |>artial. itf jnH'uenc/e, wc ul>llhh n h*ttei w?tvl to U8 Kuhukii, more parti< ularly ;it ihe present time, when w« fin<i ihe eteeutors an«l th«'ariuHniBtrkt*w of ihe law :ire coi»val<?sing, afteT thcir Hip-van-\Vi:>kl« rop»>g" nn<l i<a'lly letharp:y in tOi» exer of th<*ir just right« .!Ujd d?:tiw< for the Bi:p|>r<'H sion <'f vie iin<l evil «nd 'or tlie preF; rvātiun : flaw aml eooel niords iti our < o.uinunitv. W*. love to th;* eha<ige ia th* ex»vv utors and adrß:hiHt;atorg of th<« la» . and we hojie that Ui< ir z<*al will iead them to ' i>e ju -t and fear iio: 'und not piake «He of tln ir pcjwers to perseeute vd <»f to pro»e »ute. The foll<nring l etU\r sp«4ks voluiues and o .!y an of how iaw aniL astie<! is de&Jt out to Buit in Uiip countrv ever «.:>ee ite sudden tran«;:ion froin the*urnuiarv an<l ir»:part:al justice of ieudal dav» in Hawaii to that a eeventy under tl e benign and pbarĪ3; ie infiuenee thjt mak«s fii»li of ct'>e uid tte«h of &v other und< r tli€ «ui-.e law. Kahukn. Ma>*li 7th. 1892. ' Mr. .'\flitor : — %Vc. uf tlij« placv. would 'ike vou to ;>u .lish this letter in yc>ur pap*r. \Ve want to in<juire ii tlie Sundav law ' is made >nlv for viit kanaka anxl tl»f» (.'hiri< H<' ? \\'h< o they d>; the !ea«t utU'> th<ng tl»ey i.re ) upon anu uiade to par, the Aill! penalty jbf the mogt trlvial and in- i etKuificant trespags of the Uw, | The other day a |xili<x man was j ooniplained io hy people, rho were j antiove<l at the Hygteinafic and willfu[ transgf e«gion of the ■j?'und:iy ! Jaw hy the Kaliuku l'lanUliui». j The Mariager been w<»rking the | plantation-■ labar for three vr«>eki! withmit anv rega*d of the law, j ing railway traeks. cuttin|r eane, and hoiling sugar, usin-g nun aud j beaKt ontri*.ry to the law ofvli<M land and atf.tin«t thc order of mt«re <>r t!ie nioral cod?. The palio#*rnan, who tnade iW eompl 'inl '<> the ar»d «t*k*'<i hiin ia . re«q>eetful inatmer t'o! htoi> workir.g - % ,u;SuiiJii% fV»rl»ivi- ī den hy law. rere <jnietly 'ohl that; it did not iiiak<' anv «,':flVrennwheth<'r they woriv<d on ihit nr anv othe.r dav% So th<* iwlieeiiieii,''ī #ho kn w the ioii»r:><H* uf ttu' 6iigar owiH'rn n:id their tnont'y, .i*vit the law and ov»'r e. wenl a\r.> v gati9fi»>d th it th»'V w »uld .Ui di« chargetl if tb«*v «tirr<sl t\ - tuattef auy fnrth**r Thia w rtliow«il uii ov« r thI»! coutitrv. and th« i« i j'jstice de*nies. Tlie » *dcutor« atid |
ado»inistratorB of the iaw are afraid to do Ī8 right just and the oomnnon f>eople, over whom the Jarv is made to fall with ftill i force, is ask«d: "WelU wbat are !y »u going to do abodt it ?" Weii, wi> think thiTe is mily one reply. ; la'l uk annex ourselvefi to eome govenime»t who will give 119 etjual , and niake law and ju»tice ■ rt*«p«' ! 'ted, I.aie j W"e pyr;ipathise with Laie, our cor- ! Tt?spondt ht, but ran £ive very iillle . j hope, ai the |)reBent eovernmeiit, I ii. e., the executive and judicial. do; | uot tiy J .he inollo: '* Be ju«t afidj jfear Set! " Ve fear t*nat tbe god i ;of unris?hteo\isr.ess has fastened its; j tintaeles upon the olficers of gov« | I ernment and. that the nuujerot»s jeucke?K attaebf<l to eaeli anu of the| .! govermi.ent h*s too solid a p'ill toj allow "ju.stioc and fear not" to be undf r the circumslaiices. j Mr..iiay was pulled up before , oourt aud fii>ed under a mieapprej bensis>n of the law for aHQĪsdenieani or, 'one hundrod d(JllarB, (he was j not oue of the sockers to tbe &rm |of oūr gover»uient calamar**, but I wa« an oppo;jent <>f oneV, The plantation be alludes to l>elong to a nui»k|>er of th?se peeuliar aUaeh- j I aien that is p:irt of tlie arin of a jēaliui!jry. aiul when they all draw \ togetber, the puli is heavier than ; juati(e aiul thue the strain tears j j unei»«:3llyr Tl*Te is only one reiiiody, that we know, aud that is, to spear the aaimal before he «£ets too mueh undet cover of its own ; dark as:d fslfthy i?xcresenc<s or as | Laie €ays» anne* ihe bftast t<> l T u Je | Menagerie wher;* it would ; be properly reguUted and disp]ay i ed U* aiivantage.