Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 406, 9 March 1892 — THAT DREDGER. [ARTICLE]
lt appt*ars that tli? shifting about of the now Uredger, is not due to the successful working of the nia-chinē/-us the l)«ily Hulleiin states it but t-o. its inability to do the work oi Jre»lginp We are credilv informed, that the shiftine of the dmlger when 011 trial was made heeauee the bott<un of ihe harbc>r i« full of anchorB, rocks and and other hard Bubstanceg, an«l that for fear the propeller and the whole niaehine wouldprovca failure, prematurely it was moved tosome sott spot where it ean pump up mu<ldy water. F<wr the good of the country, we hope, however, that the maehine will aeeoinpliah the work of deepening the entranee to the harb»»r. Conipetent engineers phoukl be engaged, in c«)njunction with a Cy4iiiniitee of Citizens, by the governuient to «ee that the dredger is complete ind adapted fur the work, ānd surce«sfuily tried, before it is accepted by ihe Kovernment.