Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 406, 9 March 1892 — Page 4
This text was transcribed by: | Lani Lofgren |
This work is dedicated to: | Cathy Ostrem |
"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."
John E. Bush
Iuna Hooponopono a me Puuku.
It appears that the shifting about of the new dredger, is not due to the successful working of the machine, as the Daily Bulletin states it, but to its inability to do the work of dredging. We are credily informed, that the shifting of the dredger when on trial was made because the bottom of the harbor is full of anchors, rocks and other hard substances, and that for fear the propeller and the whole machine would prove a failure, prematurely it was moved to some soft spot where it can pump up muddy water. For the good of the country, we hope, however, that the machine will accomplish the work of deepening the entrance to the harbor. Competent engineers should be engaged, in conjunction with a Committee of Citizens, by the government to see that the dredger is complete and adapted for the work, and successfully tried, before it is accepted by the government.
In view of the fact that the inhabitants of this Liliputian Kingdom--are clamoring hard times, it may be well to make a statement of certain of its biennial expenses: To support Royalty (?) it costs the plebeians $72,800. To support Her Royal Majesty's Household guard $62,000.
For band, salutes and flags $50,000 of which the Royal Fiddler alone draws $7,200 or $300 per month which is more than a Colonel of the United States Army receives.
If this country is in such financial distress as the citizens claim, explain how it is that farcical royalty with its useless and costly appendixes can be indulged in to the extent of $194,800 biennially.
What a great contrast is offered to these islands by our neighbor across the ocean -- that grand home of the free -- the United States of America. There the ruler of sixty-six millions (66,000,000) of people, and of a country with taxable property of the valuation of seventeen billions ($17,000,000,000) of dollars, receives a salary of but one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars for the two years of service, while this small territory, with taxable property amounting to only seventeen billions and a half ($17,500,000) dollars, and consisting of but ninety thousand (90,000) of mixed inhabitants, is able to enjoy a royal farce to the time of $72,000, and also to allow her Majesty to drive an additional yearly revenue from Crown Lands.
As long as such an expensive pa@@@@@ can be tolerated there is no reason to complain of a tightness of money.
The Crown Lands are the property of the people and there is no justice nor wisdom in depriving them of these lands any longer. Nor is there any law of Nature or God that should allow any one but the people to derive any income from the people's property.
When the people's interests are jeopardized by any existing form of government, then it is there duty to make a change.
The Hawaiian Islands are right at that point where a change is necessary, and must occur. Therefore do not murmur at the impending crisis. Either be satisfied with the present constitution of affairs, and prepare yourself for a general exodus, or assert your rights as men, hold the United States of America as a criterion, throw open the Crown Land to a good class of agricultural settler reduce expenses and soon we shall have a stable government and a prosperous country. Then virtually as well as literally you will be the "Paradise of the Pacific."
Honolulu, March 3rd 1892.
Dear Sir:
There appears to be considerable misapprehension regarding the power of the present Road Supervisor. The general belief is that his is the appointing power, etc. Than is an erroneous idea.
The former Road Supervisor had full power to appoint -- as he should have. His appointments, of course, had to meet with the approval of the Minister of Interior. Now this thing is entirely changed. By the present law the entire power lies with the Road Board. Section 3, under the Act to amend the law concerning Road Board Supervisor and the disposition of the Road Tax and to establish local Road Boards, and define their duties, says: "the Road Boards shall have the entire charge and control of the public labor on all roads, bridges and public highways, within their respective districts, and shall have the supervision and control of the expenditure of all road taxes and all moneys appropriated by the Legislature and used in making and preparing the same, * * * " From this we can readily see that the Road Supervisor's hands are virtually tired up, he has nothing whatever to say.
We should think however that he (the Road Supervisor) being an experienced man, and also responsible by his bond, the Road Board would confer with him in the appointments, and rely upon his judgement. Apparently, this is exactly what has not been done.
Now it seems unreasonable that a man should be hold responsible for the action of his subordinates, when he has had nothing to say in regard to their selection. Of course the law is plain, but it would seem to any clear minded person that such a law is unfit for any enlightened community. The legislators of this Kingdom must surely have been napping when such a law was enacted. We guardedly use the word napping, as we would not dare to presume that the wise members of Parliament were not sufficiently intelligent to see the utter injustice of their proceedure. Although this matter is open to considerable criticism, we shall not linger longer upon it.
Considering the above, it is very plainly to be seen that the Road Board alone should shoulder the blame. If their appointees are incompetent, and do not meet with the approval of the public, there is neither justice nor reason in throwing the brunt of their errors upon Mr. Cummings.
By publishing the above you will greatly oblige. JUSTICE.
Mr. Dunstan, naturalist, who has recently returned from Central America, where he spent nearly two years in the study of the flora and the fauna of the country, related the finding of a singular growth in one of the swamps which surround the great lakes of Nicaragua. He was engaged in hunting for botanical and entomological specimens, when he heard his dob cry out, as if in agony, from a distance. Running to the spot whence the animal's cries came. Mr. Dunstan sound him enveloped in a perfect network of what seemed to be a fine rope-like tissue of roots and fibres. The plant or vine seemed composed entirely of bare interlacing stems, resembling, more than anything else, the branches of the weeping willow denuded of its foliage, but of a dark, nearly black hue, and covered with a thick viscid gum that exuded from the pores. Drawing his knife, Mr. Dunstan endeavoured to cut the animal free, but it was only with the greatest difficulty that he succeeded in cutting the fleshly muscular fibres. To his horror and amazement the naturalist then saw that his dog's body was bloodstained, while the skin appeared to have been actually sucked or puckered in spots, and the animal staggered as if from exhaustion. In cutting the twigs curled life living, sinuous fingers about Mr. Dunstan's hand, and it required no slight force to free the members from its clinging grasp, which left the flesh red and blistered. The gum exhuding from the vine was of a greyish-dark tinge, remarkably adhesive, and of a disagreable animal odor, powerful and nauseateing to inhale. The native servants who accompanied Mr. Dunstan manifested the greatest horror of the vine, which they call "the devil's snare" and were full of stories of its death-dealing powers. He was able to discover very little about the nature of the plant, owing to the difficulty of handling it: for its grasp can only be torn away with the loss of skin and even of flesh; but, as near as Mr. Dunstan could ascertain, its' power of suction is contained in a number of infinitesimal mouths, or little suckers, which, ordinarily closed, open for the reception of food. If the substance is animal, the blood is drawn off and the carcass or fefuse then dropped. A lump of raw meat being thrown it, in the short space of five minutes the blood will be thoroughly drunk off and the mass thrown aside. Its voracity is almost beyond belief. -- Selected.
That owing to the annexation article which appeared in the Daily Bulletin, on the 7th instant, the United States troops were encouraged to land and accustom the maoris to see how their future protectors and fellow citizens act in time of peace.
That it pays to be a cavalier servente in this kingdom.
That the public would like to know what the Queen thinks of the new iron gratings for the palace.
That a chamber of commerce exists in this country, but the report lacks confirmation.
That pint bottles of fizz is quoted at five dollars each at the new high-flyers resort up the valley.
That the Board of Health ought to send a man to examine the foul smelling drain situated at the archway lading into the Beaver Block on Queen Street.
That cheap engineers engaged for government work on the Stone Crusher, may manage to crush the machine, so that it will cost to repair it enough to pay for the service of a first class engineer for two years.
That if the Bishop museum, which by the bye includes the Government Collection, is to be opened to the public for a half day only in each week, that Thursday afternoon would suit more people than the forenoon.
That the Bulletin in its anxiety to please its stock holders and advertising patrons, would be rejoiced to have Governor Ashford give his sear "to the eligible candidate having the next highest vote to the one whose election is voided.--" that would be to Governor Benjamin of the Pacific Hardware State. What a pity for the voluble Ben.
That next to the Volcano of Kilauea, as a place to see sights, we notice that Thurston Cove is also attracting a large number of tourists. Among the distinguished visitors to Thurston's Cove, or Dope Hole, last Sunday, were several leading politicians, one blacksmith to shoe their horses, one interior plasterer, one small piece of Bacon, one steamboat company from Hongkong and others too numerous to mention. The above notable variety of sightseers went overland, while the wet goods wid-a man, on ice, went mit the Diamond Horn around and der yacht about.
That the police, notwithstanding all their drillings and moonlight parades, have not yet been instructed by the Marshal or his numerous deputies and aides-de-camp how to go on duty properly; that it is customary in other towns for policemen when going on duty, to walk in single file on the street, close to the sidewalk, they are instructed to keep on the outer side of the same next the gutter, a sergeant being in charge of such squad, to see the patrolmen stationed at their respective beats. Here, however, no such thing as discipline or order has ever entered the head of our Commander-in-Chief, and the "cops" leave the Station House anyhow in groups of half a dozen or so, slouching along on the sidewalk, like a lot of school boys fresh out of school.
@. We shall @@ our efforts to @@@@@@ laws by which all @@@@@ in the government and all @@@@@@@, @@@@ @@@ privileges to special @@@@ @@@@ @@ rendered impossible, by full, deliberate and mandatory statutes.
7. We are in favor of encouraging all home agriculture and industries, and all our native products, like rice, coffee, wool, tobacco, etc. should be protected and fostered by proper tariff regulation; and also it must be the duty of the Government, in its contracts and other operations, to give preference to national products over imported ones.
8. We desire a more liberal policy towards the different Islands of the Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the public moneys for the development of their resources and the satisfaction of their wants. In fact, the principle of local, Self-government should be extended, whereby giving localities may choose the most important of their local executive officers, and levy taxes for the purpose local improvements of a public nature.
6. Better laws should regulate the Civil Service. The principle of the election of officers of the government by the people should be established, and no man should be allowed to hold more than one office of profit, whilst salaries should be adequate compensation for the services rendered. All excessive salaries should be reduced and all sinecures or superfluous offices abolished.
9. We shall endorse all measure tending to improve the condition of the working classes, and consequently, without injuring any vested rights, we will advocate laws to prevent all further importation or employment of contract-labor of any kind, upon conditions which will bring it into a ruinous and degrading competition with free Hawaiian or white labor. We shall also, in the interest of the better protection of the poor, ask for more liberal exemption of their property from forced sale on ex@@@tion and from seizure in bankruptcy proceeding.
10. The wealthy fraction of our population have hitherto prevented the development of an independent class of citizens; the public lands have been acquired and have been tied up in a few hands or parcelled to suit favorites, and small farmers and planters have been driven out by corporations or combinations of capitalists; but as small farming is conducive to the stability of the State, it should be encouraged by a new and more liberal Homestead act, by which the ownership of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of families of our present population, -- and especially of the native Hawaiians who have been left almost homeless in there country -- should be rendered possible. To that end, the Government and Crown lands, (in so far as can be done without invading vested rights) should be devoted as soon as possible to homesteads, and conferred upon bona-fide settlers free of taxes for a limited period.
It should be the further arm of government to, at once, so far improve the means of transportation, --local, national and international, --as to provide, in all the districts, cheap means of conveying the product of the soil to market.
11. We hold that upright and honest manhood, and not the possession of wealth, arbitrarily fixed, should co@@@@ the right to vote for nobles as well as representatives, and no more power should be accorded to the ballot of the rich man than to the ballot of the poor man. The discrimination in favor of wealth now made in our Constitution is contrary to all the eternal principles of right and justice and must be abolished. To this end, we will favor a leveling of the present distinctions of wealth and @@@@ which blemish our laws with respect of the right to vote for nobles, thereby restoring to the native Hawaiians privileges which pertain to them in their own country, and of which they have been unjustly deprived.
12 We favor the expenditure of sufficient sums to secure a number of needed public improvements on Oahu and other Islands, school, railroads and harbors and wharves, public light, and also a thorough system of reservoirs and waterworks, not only for Honolulu, but throughout the other Islands.