Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 404, 7 March 1892 — WHAT IS THE DUTY OF THE MINISTER. [ARTICLE]

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Section 90 of thc Election Law r«ftdB thus: u At the hearing the BhaU cause the evidence to be reduced to writing in full. or Bufficeiitiy to ascertain hll tbe facte involved, and ehall thereupon give Judgment. Btating all of his findings of fact and the law thereupon, whieh ahall then be transmitted in full to the MinfBter of the Interior, provided no appeal shall he t«ken. lfsuch finding ahall be that the elfction was i:>V|ilid. <i dtl thr $rnt therrii»rir mmnl amw *hnti onee W ortkmf bv the »aid Mini«U»r, While the Ha«ratian Ciovernment 18 verv «nxiouB to have men ar rerteii and incarcerated for a nvi«d«<meanor, ujt mo»t, in thcir *eal to carry out the law. hs in the eaae of Mr. Uay. lM*cauac he did nol luake retum of his election Bck. how it U t hat no tiot»co is tak» en by the in tbe CH#»e ol' tfte s»'at f«»r revrom»ta'ivc for iiaiiiakuii. wiiifh ha»«lwn declaretj vacant l»v tl»» k Snprt>me <\>urt?