Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 404, 7 Malaki 1892 — "PATRIARCHAL" KAUAI. [ARTICLE]
In tbe good old davs when pri--Bonerg w?is worth only 25 cents a day, the planter« hired tlie prisonerg to work for that sum. It 81diply aoiounM to a premium for arresting man, and any man either native or fureigner who fel) fpul of a planter, fouud himself in durance vile, before he had time to a 6uspiekww of it, Evmy Court ftn Kauai 18 to-day run by a loc*l plantet and the whole butfit is run by Bo*s Hiee of Lihue. I n eon nection with politics he nominat«d the p«fi%onal of the convention, gathers them into his own *provi(teg their provender, dra«rs up th«*ir pro«mni and when they have gone through the farco of "deliberating" th<*y are again fed und Bmiled u[>on as v holy Willi? ean amile and having duly cursed tbe Liberal«, they are dis-mi?!M-d with lV'Stor. Is*niberg Uenedictu»n, hb UiMKI and faithful aervants. The regiBtratioii Roards on Kauai. wiih |M»rhapB one' soliUrv • x<'. pti >n, W«TO roin4K>setl of pl. ( pt i " 11<»01i. iia'ii wi»o?ir- v ot •l.t'• > »*>**• li usr Ihe w;!l • i ' : l«- i r - itat ohnnre h:«d |in» p v « plo jj» u f -t 5> with a o*u»sl»ine of votr «mf:- ī.* »ui :> as .\w h"rotd t<»gether »»!i K v :i". i ? l(iu*gine, d\'«r n*a<l* r. il y«»u v'ai>, ihe l«ror «>f a vote of the 'free and independent elector*"
bfing tāken on ihe i.slan«l «f Xii-f hau; whieli is a part electorai *listrict of W'aimea. wlu n vou un<ierHtand that evcry ineh ot it« īlUHI'i acres i* owneei by ono man or onn f.uuilv, and the first quesiion put to anv one visiting Niihau is, ' who gave you perinis»Bion to land here ?" There is no poliee on the !ittle emplre of Kiihau atid the only j«df« in law on th® island ial Mr, Gay, one of the owners. ' To apeak of a contested eleeiion oii |psb ground ae Kiih&u, is the clin»ax of the ridiculous; and yet the whole ltland of Kauai is bot a few Bhades be<tter in the watter of indepeodeiioe; all of whieh is the nataral, inevitable Dead Sea fruit i of th« BQxar mooopoly. { i The one man on Kauai whote, 6xiatenoe ia a guarantee of justice ! before tbe law, such ag it is; is | judge Hardy. The unflincbing *n-.] tegrity of thi« good man and upright jiidge, i« aeen on the numeroub appeala whieh he «ustains in the capacity as arbitrator between the threateped liberties ot the people, andtheencroflchinent«ofgrinding monopoly and corrupt courts. Arausing BtoiieB are told of how the pre6ent govenior of Kauni gained his gubernutorial stirrups on the oeeaeion of tho late visit of the Queen. Hehol<U'rs say that themanner in whieh he <Tawle<l up on allfourB to ViBB the Koyal big toe, and the way he cr«wled back through the door hole withoUt ever kieking the door post. was the fact that seaied his fate for governor. It is whiapered around Hiahop'e store /tbfti %i gbt hia joints aupple for tbe rOyal cr tw, through the aid of a ca«e of horee linament. Of course it muai be underetood that the toothtorae roote and succulent edibles were there. and likewiae the toothBome anU-rodent waa duly baieted. Indeed there ie a general style about thinga on Kauai whieh to a reBident of Honolulu appears — as the P. €. Advertiser truly Btyles il — 4 Tatriarchal"