Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 404, 7 Malaki 1892 — VACCINATION. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


W« 4 puhliil» the fuUo«ri »ig rxtra<i« frotti I)r. T«'l>lMif Uii»<lon, in vicw ~ of tli* hv auth«»ri»y uolieo <»f th»« Beard of ]I<*altti <• tij*4 t; iln* • I!»v.t< <*»r.at«'<l t<» t •jronj»h t h<V daivj;« k r ;uui r;r !»v Vu(VHi.itioi). It i v a w« il < stuh! l f;u l I!;.»{ :}w s ir» a«l ul' tiiik <ii £«118** ail tiv» i lh«- «ori-l i* ilu»' t-« TilCoi*«rttiuJi. ;»«;<! in»twithsl.«i tlit Uwul af a higher >ci«*ntitU' koowledfe, Um» buman fauiily to-

«i;iv is |»hv-ioaHy iiv a. win>e eon-diti'-»n for tbe rece|>tit>it'.'of ■ disca#e tl».m »vt r l»efore. Tl»is state i? <iue to thr 'A;iiit oi' corrtH*t knowiedge ■«fhygiene. nnd not\vithstandi(igthe )»rotVfsion of our medical eeien\i*\» ihis era is lamentahly deficit |īn a correct knowledge of the very | first principles for the prevention I of di sease and preservatien of health. There is no question in the i minds of a large member of think« ing people, that there are more peo« I ple killed from proteesional ignoranee than are cured, and yacoina* tion is one of those doubtful protection from diseaae, wnieh soientisU have been credited to have d»scovered : Aecording to recent accounts in tbe Anflo-Indian Fre«ā f the Lepro~ ey €otnmission (the Bnglish members of whieh arrived in Bomby in Novettber last| have completed therr investigatk>ne and experi» meniāl researcheB, aud are now preparing their report, whieh is awaited wiih mueh interest. JCxhausti ve inqaiftes have been made to dctermine the pathological aepects of the d»«ease. They have performed over one hundred vaccinations on lepers, and oonfirmed the existence of the haeUlu* le\>riv īn the vaccine virus, as previously demonstrated by Haneen, Xeisser, Montgomery, Arning, Cuuningham j and other bacteri6logists. "As Leprosy ie a disease of slow incubation, and impossible to deteet in its carlv €tages, the danger of ihe arm te arm vaccination, fimctised in most of our Colonies wh«re this repukive scourge is endemic, will be seen by all who will give tbe matter a moment f s rtflecUoo. It ia, however, no new disoorery that Lep*oey is dissemi«ated by vaoeina*ion, as anyone m«y see who will take the trouble to refer to the report of the evi deiice laid before the Belect Parliamentarv Comtnittee on Vaeeinal»n.by Dr. R. H. Bakewell, Vacci-nator-General of Trinidad, in 1871. —Wm. Tebb.