Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 403, 4 Malaki 1892 — GEORGE LUCAS, SR. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


In the death of Mr. Lucas, another good man bas passed away from our midst. He died about 2:30 P. M last Wednesday, at over the alloted period of time, from heart trouble. His death will be cegretted by a wide circle of friends and acquaintanauces. settled here in 1856, with his family, arriviug in July of tbat year from Ban Franm»oo, wb*re he had reeided five years and a balf. Boon after ooming here he «itered in business as house builders, under the firm name of Lueaa and Wiggins, at the oorner of Rose Lane and King Street, nqxt to Castle and Cooke, from whieh time be bas been steadily engaged in businese. Among the mauy familiar faces of our city the genial and benevolent oountenancc of our fellow townsman will be greatly missed. His benevo]ence and charity was boundless, and wss done in a true ChriBtian epirit. Many who were well acquainted with Mr. Lucas. knew him aa a man of sterliug worth, and of unaeiHeh dißposition. More especially in these bard times will the loss of men of aueh eharactēr as Mr. Lucas be felt. May his aāhee rest in peaee unlil the genoral eall when all will receive thēir reward according to the deeds don e in the fiegh.