Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 403, 4 March 1892 — "WARRING OVER BILLETS." [ARTICLE]
The Bulletin has discovered th*t "there is rumored to he war in the Liberal Party'B eaiiip." Strange that the Liberal Partv are not thems€lvett aware of it, but it il l ustrates the old provsfb about going from home to hufir newī of yourself. rt true that appointmeuts have heen tnade by the Road M«nagement—whether by the Board or the BuperviBor or botb w? do ndt Bay; of iuen who are not only ob jectionable to the T,iberal Party, but to the couin»unitv as a whole. We could challenge the Bulletin to mention by nauie two or tbree of the inen—outeide of the Supervisor atid his deputy — who are the appointees of the Uoard and defend either their puhlie or private eharacterB t»r their Uunaeea ability. The bure fact is that certaiii oflieiala—we 08e the plural for 300venience—who have no moral quality whieh the public could exteein them for, have a oertain "pull" whieh is variously tet in motion, and ju«t now a certain high mueka muek in court favor has thouKht ftt to ihow his hand and ph*ōr a well known court card; to spite as nis parasitee »ay, and «how his contempt for the Liberal l«adera and party. If the Bulletin haa got on the track of "a horde of billet-farmer8 ,> in the Liberal eamp we expect that paper to do ita duty and give the puMie thetrue inwardnw of the huiineM. The Bultotin i« weil aware that it ean go a heap bcyond the bog in whieh it choo«e tn dtpoail its laine inuendo of Wednefday la«t. i»iautadee as indieate "ele»nent th*t engagefi io poHtic« iitripiy aiwi Holi»ly for what lhey ean pH out of iK>litK*" d<»n't liurt ahyU»dv in thi« oountry. We have given 'thn Biillctin the eue, if not tlic teM for tM»:iiHhii>g m«>re |nnnt »ti. »nd «11 we i»ay at pre**nt m. .ejid on ar.d we wi»; follmv—,«uit.
Tb* Liberale are for Equal KiohtB —not Bpoils.