Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 402, 3 March 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
! 'HIN eirLE OF <«O VEIiN M ENT AXD CON*T!TUTION. 1. thtt all Gomnmmt ehouUl be foun<k*i <mi tbe principk« ol Liberty, *nd Fraternit¥; irē hoM are born fr««a(kdeqtml befc»*e wf l#w and ar« *nd >wed wiUi inalienahle ri*htj to lile, U> Hborty, to propertp, to th« parso>t oI happinaw and U> gelf-proteetkm a«aixi«t arbitrarT c»ncfutraUoo ol power t i*re*pot**ibi« weaUh, awl nnfair eompeiiiion. We be He%-c that [uH fm*ernm«nt cxfets oaly by the eowwu oC th« r»opla> aad when »t \memm nepawary lor tU hr welfarf» % they w«y ahoiieh eaekHa* formB and cstab)i»h aore ad and equitabie «yvt«ni; and, ae the pve» m*nt CoaPtitut*on of thc Hawaiiaa Ki«r dora m»ver hae hnd Uie approval oi'Ow P*H* but wm wtab)kkM hf dation and frani! tor the bwflt ©f • eenain o>arelore %• lavor tka adoptfen of a new and ■Mi »tit»tioo, to tmly imm a % tbe P*opi* a&d fer Om I>KPKNDKNC & OF THK COr?rr*Y S. OntnitttMiiWtiwl(MrtiMißiMi«a ri*hta aa»d praaa«kt opinion* ol tfce »«. tive pQfm)ation, we dereire to rt**iit tbe indrpe»drtK* ol the Con».try aad it# auto»Mn>% u»*i-r * iit»ral aad popnls»r form of ieoT»mineet; bntonr Tre«tlae mith Knr*tfn IV>Were« and yrg|>eciaH with the Unitetl Stat«a of .\n>artea, Ktmnl«l be revi»edJ maa tō better m«et pre*ewt nereeaitie# ainl to ol>tain īmm* <*}ttitabfeftdY*mag*« in txchai|»ol thoee granted bv ut. ]
MONOPOUEH 5. We «hiUl um om to law« b9r whieh *U !avoHtl«a in fbese*r erßment aad all monopoli*», trusts mml ijdvii«®Be to i»pwia3 elawwe sli*il iwkM iwpoawiUe, by full, I9d BMMtatory itetatM. IfROTEOTION T0 HOME INDUSTRIES 7. W« «i« k l»vor of eoeottr«gtag 1$ home «gnctiltQr« and iuduetri«j 7 aMMi o» prod«d», llk® Hee, «^9, «oel, tob«eeo, ete. ebookl W wiw6ed i»d footcrwiby |»fefier Wri{f regttbtloa; «nd elae H »ttrt be the doty <rf O» G<wMat, ia Hfl emHieli asd oOmm- «pmtlom, to giv« pretorūßw to pro* LOCAL SELF-GOVKRNME3rr t< « mon HM poli^ fm&ti*d£flfere»tlsi*<tdBQf ttm Kk«diHa. outsid« Oaha; tber ehenM 1»» e«v® »faa»r pnpa&m of tbe pofe&r \ menevB for tbe dev*k»pmflßtBf tMr re- | aotiroe« a»d tbe ntlMia ©I Hmlt 1 waiito. la f*ct, tbe piineiple o! W>ea2 r eho«ld be etnM r wlUnQf OMMI iW mod iia]>ort«Bt ol tlMir lood ez«etttN«' «nKow®, a»d levy taxee lnr tb» porpoeelv«al inu>rovement« of a p«biic oature. PUBLIC BER\MNTS. «5. Better lawa shooid regnlat« the Cl* vil Bervice. Tbo priacipte of the e»*ction of ofttcer» of the govmia«it bjr tbe peopie shoold be e#»tabliabeil, ami no man ahouki be aīlo«red to hold more than one office of profit, wliilst »«larSea Bhoald be ad*quate cumpen«atioo for the pfthlcw reu(ier«l. Ali excessive salariN (iiiouM be redmied and all ftiao cures or superfloouB oBicea abolif hed. PROTECTION TOTHE LABOURTNG CLASSKB 9. We aball eodorne all meemire tending to u»prove the cooditk>n oI tbe wo?kii»g ekmea, aad ammqwūtty, wkbout injurißg aay veatod Hgbta. we wflt advocate lawa to prevwt al! farther importatk)ii er emplōymeot ol oo»tractlabor ol anjr kfad, npeui mdltlflfift whieh will !trtag it into a minooa mā degrading eompetitim witb freO Haw» tbe iotereet of Um» better t»roteetiatt oi the poor, aak for iaon) liUml mwmplUm of their property fro«\ £oreod aale 00 ex ecution. aml from e*iaurc i& bankruptcy proceeding. 9MALL FARMJLNCi ĀSV> HOM STEADS. lō. The wealthv (ra(tioc oi onr popul*•ion ha\*e hitherto pr»*veiUt«<f ment of an inde|iendeiit vlaM( of citi«en« ; tl»f pub)ir lands l»Ye heeo acqulred andt liave 'jwn tieil np in a" ftw hand* or i (wm-elleii to «nii faV(kr>te«*. <dm) >nial farmer» and i>Untere h»ye been dr«wn wt br erwiiorationo or co«nbinatioop oi cat»ita]iet»: but aa smaii .h wdiucive to th* «tab(litv of tbe State, it f>Kou)ci pe <>ueoura«ed br a ne« »ud more Überal Homeetead art, bv wbHi the ownerstrip of MnalLtr»ctB of land and Uuj aettle«Bent tiiereon of &aaiik« of our preeent popniaiion.—aod eapeaiali >y of tbe native HawaiianĀ wh<» ba\-e been left al*neet homelww in thervcouß-try-»lioukl be rendered poc*.bfe>/ To that end, tbe Qovērnmw>t and Cro%» laiidB, ( in eo far as ean be done witbont invadtnic veeted r%bts ) ahouM bedevoted a» 9QQQ aa poaalhle to homoiaemla. a*d eonferrad upon bona-ftde aeUleia fa* al tax«*e far a Hmitod?*hod. It Bbould bethe furtber aim «aent to, at onee, ao far inipaove tbe meana of tnn«nartt tk»,—loeai, naOon *i*s* 4 to provide, ia alt tl»e dbAHeta, Hieap meana of conveyiat tbd p«odait ef tbe eoil to market. KI.ECTORAL RIHUT. 11. We be)d tbat «mrigfeta&d kaeK manbond. and not tiie poeaeeeion of mdoi.arl4tvwl|y fbted, ehonldeen«tofor nolilee aswellaa *mildbe *mirM to tbe «M1 »» Oma tbe ef wmkk mw made in e«r OoMett*tiea bmtniy taaa tbe ataroal prinffelwi •d. T»tUaiad, «evitt |it«a in* of tfce preac«t dMnc«lan ef wealtk aai elMaae wkH hleaaWh onv lawe witb reteertofthe rigbt te wt*a (br noldßB, thereby rvetotiag te tbe netive Hawaiiane priviiegeB nertem ta mem in tbeir own co«ntrv. andef «Meh bave been nnieeUv to*riv<eil* I.VTKRNAL IMrROYKMEVTS U We tavor tbē «xp*nrfi* are o< se*> eiawi wime to ww« a n«mtwr of noadad naNie improve«Mpt« nniiahn and eHmr lalande; wheol, raiinai)i aad barbera and whervee, pnhlie and alao a th«irongb of rr>wr\wlm and waterwerte, not only fer Heaālni*, bet tbrontb-oat tix otber lakada.