Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 402, 3 Malaki 1892 — BALLOT REFORM. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


While the law of election on our statute book is by far ih*» be»t that has been ever htfp, there are aiill many defecU in it, whieh Bhouid he corrected in order to *nake it |»erfect and to give a Bat*gfeotory §ystera of roting to the people. The &im of the law is, tv> give perfect freedotn to the voter, and tfce right to tboa* entitied to Hie imnehia#. Thia. hae been ee«nred t as far «a it is poaaihie, in man'a falbble, feebleway,butthere are many ioopho)e« whereby a perv«r«on of'the inleni of the iaw «ay be niade v m was done by tite H*p«etorB of eiee» wn, whoee minde were 00 warped b? |Mirty frelinj(s that they eouM not doright u mler any eiroumatance.