Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 402, 3 Malaki 1892 — OVER-POPULATION. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


£übßcription lists to enable the nneoip'oyed to get out of thc kingdam; are the order of tbe day. A few tbo'>sand idle, hungry men are known U> be a danger to the wealthy elaaa. • ■■■• '■ The eapitaliitic employer is wiae in hia gtner*tion and therefore ob- | serv«i certain ugns of tbe times. It is certain, bowever, that in the this eame piutocratic eiaae will yell out their etandard parfodtel crv fer Labo», The Leg* is!atore%f 1892 will iri ail probafeUity, respond, as all previous Lef* kUtort here have rwpottded, to the ery of tbe planta- for Labor, eheap Labor. The very life of the eountry wili depend on cheaper labor frcMsa Japan or India, ar»d the govemmeai wouW be called upon to import eooliea for the pianterB, and Iho ueoal vote of money "to aeeiei; īmaigration ft will be asked for. | The consolation for the poor j worting popoiaiion whieh remain «i, that they wiil hnve thē capita]ietie march of civilizatioti unhindered. There will reraain the k<mohiki and the bpef trust and the roilk tryst and the exchange trust, and tbe whi«key truj«t and the lapdlor(t and the planterK trade& union and labor sn|iply trust, whose riches will keep «m increasing side by side with the spread of the workers po\"erty . The effectiveness of emigration as a safety-valve «ay be overestK mated by the capttalit*t. They will remain here t« ride the storm tbrough—tbe beet and bravest of the indueUial oopulation, and they wiUiaawto(i more just eeonomie conditiens for thea:seive6 and their civihgation. There are hundreds of tbousande of acree of rich land here anused, and the very man who could reap from them golden barve*ts of national weallh are hurrying out of the coUntry. The policy of lettingseverything ?lide is the i>aly oue known td our adiuinittraters. We are enh nna a eommercial cy<j)oi»e, the severi t,v of whieh eoukl be vast)v if we had any bTains at tho heail of our affair?; hut ir.steiid \>v have the torper < the M ueeel nian wl.o shift tlie Wanie on AI.I.AH or tmgiir.