Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 402, 3 March 1892 — A NEW ASSOCIATION. [ARTICLE]
I At a preliiuinary tttedliiig ,M ī by Workiii§fīien ]a»t Tw%dav evenjing. it wae reso!ved that a lurther igathfrif)g Bkooi(J be held the folj lowing ever»ing, when an effort wi!) bē m:ide to fbrm a \Vork» pgnian*e ; Th]«! Ut«isio!i ia due to the '\ilarining aml uggresei *t ne?ss »f thc power of eapita]i*ts and eorj>orations un<l«r the preKoat it;dustriar pyHThe iiieohanipA here, an el>sewlierf . fcel the neeespity of forna* ing unkma for s«*lf protection. The ea.l for the organtzation of a ptrraanent institution among the Üboring nien here i§ appar<»nt. The tendenev of the age is tr>ward eelfishneeB and greed. aod ju®t a8 toon an a nian becumes a capiulifte, ao inutter how emall, lik« the ehark,! he annmenee® to j>rey upon his felIOWB. Ir.j;/idual effort w oqs of tbe (pieeiion. It i« only bv ohloa | ar.d c(>operation, lhat the laboring inan wtjuld Oe enabled to protedt hiiu«elf from pauperism aml degradation. As thingr are tending th« j huiuan family n drifting back to tlie def rud«tion thatexiet«d mdkjtj ag#»g tn€lead of to that blooBcd pe» rimi oalled the niilleniuin,. time where t here were only two eiaathe r;ch "nd p«or, th« tyrant artd siave. " ~itis that « very honest :iu»u. v|t «iiroui» of tMijo\*ing tne right«! ;tr» j wuu'h ic< hin birthd-*y, j ī<: M ;n.iv an<! w.tlis{ md . thit, * lor evil. A l l t i ai>:ty. .muil' jmw-? , v..- - «h>,.«i2h"til tlie < •1; ?^r. I il»ori 'X '* a:.d A*»Mr. ii... I