Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 401, 2 March 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
i PRINCIPLE o£tK)VEHSMENT ANI> CUNSTITITTiON. : ■ - v ■-: r; - I. We deem tfiai «11 Govr>rnment fili<uil«l 011 th© principleg of I Liltorty, Kquality an<l Fratermtv; we hoM that all niep arebsm free an<l »>qual ltefon» th<» law an<i are «>mt we<t vitli | inalienahle t»> to lifts, to !iU*rty, to propertp. to the pnr»<uit of happin*.** an»l to Bflf-pri»t|t'« tion ajMinst arhitrarv ! <x>ncentratio». of power, irre«pOn#ible wealth, an<i unfj*ir eomj* k tition. \\> U> ; lieve that jupt p(nt»rnfi»ent e\ists <»n!y . by the eoneem of Uie People. an<l | when it beeomtfi»e<vsBarv for ihe i>ul»> |he welfare, they may n\KHi«b existiu« : f<>nnB and €Ptabli*h more advantaseotifi , an<l equitahle ayßt«m; and, ap th«» pre- | i«ent ConBt»tution <»f th« Hawaiian Kinpi dom never has had the appmva) of the i People, b«t was estahlifHle<l bv intimi- | <latk>n and fraud for the henefit of a <<*rt*in elapp, thert:fore we favor the' | ad<.ption of a new and more liheml Confititution, U> tru)y secnre a (io«*ernment |«/ the I'eople, 6y,the l*ēople and tur the j'i*eoi>k».,' ■. ■■ j. ■ ■* I !Nt)EPENDE>fCri OF THE COUNTKY | 2. Outof confi<leration fortheinheren riyhtsand prej»nt opinion» of the iv.iI tive p<>pnlationj, we <ltr6Īn- to reUin the ind<'|>endenfe of t!ieCountry and deft*iul its autonomy, |iimter a lit>*»a; and popnlar form of gov^rniuent; butonr Treatie> with Forei|rn i*ower<», and yrBpeciaH \vith the United State<* of A»ueri<i"a, Hhould be reyisjed. f*o aa to better n»eet preaent neeeeāiiei* and to obtain more equitah)fiadvantagae in exchangeof th<*e grant«l by ua. JUDICIAKY UKFOHNH 3. 0«r Judiciar> {iyf>teiß an<l, C<«le of mwpt be auboūtted to a thor» ough revision. ao aa t« aecur«* a eheap a»d prompt ad ninif>tration of justic«.free of al! sectarian or patiean spirit, and to Jender the Judges more directly we ponsib)e to U>e Peopie; and we are in favor of a aorf Übend interproUtion of Con»titQtiooai |guarantee« ofthe freedom of apeeeh and ihe prem TAXATiON 4.A more juat and per*ect system 01. j Taxatkm muat be maugtirated, to abo.' liafe Ihe piwenl inequalitie«, hy « hieh the property .it Uw poor iB exv«wively tased, while mneh of the ridi ma'i fooda are nnd*r*v«hH*d lor amwiMa( or entirely eepipe taxatmn; w« ahaU tb«relore deman<l the pai«age of kwa that will emM(udly aith|ect th« of wrpomti' na' aml rioh citK •ena to their ju*t pro|x»rtion of pnhlie l»uvdeiie, while grantinjg niore lilienil *r#emptioiH< to Uie jw»r; iihl «h a niean* of Uie lorkiujr up «Tlarge tracU of un<selti v»ted land*>, a diHer?ntiaJ tM ahoakl be ievied in a«ldition to the ««Mil aaeewmen/ on \raluation n hieh aho«td be in proportion to U»e fvrti)itv «I the aoU, \Ye ahall alao <>f a gv*dttaied ineome tax, aod expeet to obtaia ampb himb far iMiiMiaillnn the guwa»«»t a»lat- * all ninmny p«blfte mmm «iHMMH *ny terU**<*«. oatf*
. MOHOPOUEK 6. We alial! me otu- to Ma §Mre by wbich all f»v«rittem in ud aJI aKmopolies, tmite iwl iJdvileKM to «peei»! elaea* 8 bl) rea(for«d impoBilbte, by fuH, ded»He «ed maiuJ«torv s|etutec. FEOTKCTION T0 HOME 131DUKTRIKS ** 7. We are in £avor oi encoaraging al". heme agrtcu!tare and ißdn«tri«9, aixfcfi onr n&tive producte, iike rtc«, eoflee, wooL tobacro, etc. ehookl be pm4ected ft&d fo*terod by proper tanff resui*fckm; «ad aleo it mast be the daty of Uie Govneai, in its conU«rts and <Hher epera» tk>w, to five i»«leteM to mtloea! prodocte over imaorted onee. LOCAL KELF-OOVER2tSfKJffT 8. Wedeeiire a ia6re Übera! polky tow«rda nflfereat of Kiag. dota. eau». fOaba; thev. ahoaki reeeive a fairer proporOoii af the p*bHe monevB for Ihe devtrknwieatof their reBonrees and the eaUelaetirn ol their wante. in lael, the prinHpie of loea], Se)f««ovmtnest fhoe!d be «&feeikded, wi«»r©by giving !ocalHiea »»y ehoeee the moet im|K>rtant ol their iooal e£eentive oflk*n«, and levy tasee for the parpoefr J i-jtl imi>rovements of a i>ubjk> nnture.
PITBLIC SERVAXTB. fi. !Mter ihwpH»ionhl the Civil Si»rvut». The )»nnci;»it> of ti»e v««n - t* 4, « Qf oiiww of tlw governn»ent bv the people «lumUi be cr«tablii>litHi, andno tnHn bc allowe*! t« li«»Kl more t}i:*n one of ,»rofit, «iitlet N«l«rief !*• a<l.i<iuivto ts>ni|*ensation |nr fht»KM'VHv« rfMi(U'ro<]. All ex<t»si<ive ea-larii-»t "houl<l lie aml uil eine curey»r f Ui«prtliiou« ofti<vp alM»)iBhed. FKOTEITIOX LAIioUHINii CLASSKS 1». W« shall «niionae all mea»i:re ten(ljii(r to ir«iprovc thf «\)nditiou of tlw working <ia9aw, »ml i-vtim|u«»nt]v; *ithont injiiring »ny wpI«1 r'n?ht«. Ve «ftl Mlvomte laww U» pre\vnt ail fnrthi>r importation or employtnent ol rv»ntract lahor of *ny kind, npon it>r>ditk>nf» whieh will brinx it into a minmia *nd dtfrmling t«>»npctit : on \vith fiv* Hawa ian or whiU- iābor.. W* «.haH alao. m thf ir.teivbt of thn b*'tU»r orotwtton of th<> jHw,r. ahk for mon- libt-ral exeaiption oi their j>r-perty fronvfoived ml* on cx <H-ution. hu<l frotn *eixurt Ia baiikruptcypr<Kvt?«i:nj:. .
SMAU. KAHMINU AM) lIOME ■KTEAI*S. ; 10, The \vtmlthv fract»on ai onr |>opnlHviou h«v«* hitl»ert'» |ir«>veii;i<«l tlu>tk>vek*pment «v( an smt4>|H*n«ient cla>»» of <ntij(en»; tiu> T»»»b'.ir l:w>tls h*v<'t>wji'-j, <jnirt*il ami haw \**-n t ī«h! m» in a f**v hamh> or i«nTlk*il' t<» ?uit f»vorit€>«. aml ema! fHrtn<H*H aml i>Unlm have Keen «iri¥en mt l)f poriiowti«nB or cnmbinatioiut ol ; b«t a» (*m«U fHrmmg it> eoaiiieiw to the rUbilitv of ilie $tate, »t shoul<l i»« eiicourajzed mew ««wi more lilx ral f!omeetead art. bv vhdi Uie owm>rt>hip of pmsll tm*tß of laml *nd the aeUIMM«t thereon of iamiiiea of our |>re«ent pop<ahitWM)«—>MMl eepeeiali Jy of t the natix*e Hawaiian« who hiw been Wft alin«Bt homelene in therecoon- r try-«houW be midered po*s,b!e. to ihat end, the Qoveramet>t and (Hwa laadt. ( in «> Ur aa r*a be done wilhoni invndmjr vested rSghta ) ahonM bedroft» •• W«|bie lo homeeieaeh. and oonf»rred npon bonhfids wmieen tr¥ * * «w • MmiM nertod. It thouki be the forther aim oi iwm* »«nt to. at fiw improro tha 5* aaU» ! 10 ** all thf eheap mean# of «»Tcy» iog the peodoct ol tite «oil to «vkci
RLKCIWUL Rlll<vT 11. We hokt tKat tapHgfctaud t*mm\ ■MiiKoni), «nd Mt Uh» 9*x**emm of BhoeWrowterigikl to \*Ot» Ml^lu rapfwut«tiTw, mkl no ««n p»vtr trcorM«ailie ba!k»l o| Om neh nun ihM» to tfce h*iM nf tfc* Pmm »*a, m *** of w**lth mmv i« w, r l\»)»M«t»tiQa !«>™*tr*r? to »l| th* pH«ci|o«B * «**. w w»ll §»v*r * feve)~ »»g: <rf Um prwut af vctitk «nH da«M whieK hkwioh ottr law« with nv|Hft <4 tbm ritht to fc»c mvhle», therehv n««oria|t lo ltw aative H«w«ikn» Mrt\ikfM whkh tmUAa K% thta rn thcifr ova ra««trr, «ml of whieh th#y h*v© bwi ani«Ktiv d»i»riv«Hl, INTKKNAL IMI'ROVKMKNTS 12 \V« tevwr th* expe*«ti*ttf« *l mm» *o mnur* * nuiafer of c«<iiāh« MH! oihw «*■*: i9Uumt\B m*d hnrhor» hC2r* le ' **