Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 401, 2 March 1892 — Honor thy Father and Mother. [ARTICLE]
Honor thy Father and Mother.
If Uicre ig anything that ig hu-uia-n in liuman nature that ought lo iead uian to acknowledge the perfection of the moral code or royal law of iiberty, it is the finst epaa.whieh we are enjo>oed to obe/ in the «eeond division of the law —honnr thy father aod inother —the great duty of lov« towards your nei«hbor as yourself. In this respect, we fear the Angio Saxon ai)d Hawaiian are sadly inferior to the mueu abused Asiatic, whoabove all thmgs ha? a deep regard for this comniand fo necessarv to the pre«ervation of all order and proaperity. in the household as nell ae in the St:ite.