Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 400, 1 Malaki 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


JOWCIAB Y RKFORI» 8. Ow imēkamn mhl Codeof huu*in ntit b» ftabmiti«d to * tinr» o«|itmi«ioii, MMto imri *ch«iip *ad ol ot all m pellw to poanhie to Um» «ad «r* ar% Ui of a Üb®p»l iAtorpr«t*tfem ol OuwlilaUoMl n» naiM» oi Ow &«ote oi «pMßliMMftllM>r«a

t I. «• «or 4Avt> tn «Miia U«6 vbick «11 fei*r!tiMi io tfeOo»#» «m«Mt and alt i»6aof>oH««, %rwto imā to meiā] «Ummm I» nnimd iaponilli, by foU t ihliMi «ad aāXkik*WV Rtfttatßo. PfWDTECTION fO HOKB DiDUfrnosi 7. Wn aw in f>yr>r mf <wifif»tiyi|lwf jf tte. ĀwW ittd propii Mn|Mii LOCALSELF^r^NIOENT 8. W«Mnimii Überal p%|» e*'reae and tfee ea*icfßetixtt of tbeir m*ta. Imk*, ** pfMpl» «llMāl, Ml"ggfW(Bwii»t Mt mliiilii, |ivim Aiiii thi moetiinpertani oithai*hxml mmt*m oAoen, ud tMjr tai«t ioi Ihi mii» lc<ml immweaieiila of • pohik Mian. PUBLIC B£EVANTB. 6. Bctt r kw« ahoukl regulat* th© dvil Bervioe. Tho priocipi« ef the te*etk>n <rf offieen of tbe lonmneoi by tbe peopie abould be eatabii#h«d, aud ao man ehouW be alk>wed to hoki more than or.e oWee ot pro6t, «hitot safauriee should be adaquate eompenaalion for the earviee* renderei!. AU exceßtive »aiarie«> *hould be reduce<l and all oi&e :..«uw« or Fui>erfluotiB afiu , et abo!iehed. | PKOTF.CT!ON T0 THE LABOUEIKG | CLASB£B I 9. We *hall eiuk>rBe all meaewe tend>og to i«nprove the cooditioxi o! tke workinfjclaBeee, aad coa®eqa*ntly, without injuriag any v«etod rishte. we wfll advocate laws to preveat ū\ fartber inportatkm or empkiyißeQt ol eoxitnct labor kH npor eos»ditkaM whieh wiil briag it ialo a nāmam aad degmdfj« eopipeUUoa with lree H*«ai ia&or white iaber. We ehall aiao, m the interest ol the better nroteetie& of the poor. aak for saer« iikml «napliM of their propeHy fran lonKl Baleoneat «Btioß.iMtran «tore in baßkfnptey |»oeeeding. BMALL FARMIN6 AND HOMB • HTĒAD«. 30. TiīeweaHhy ifaetion ofoQr ra>ulft*ion have bitherto pr*vented thedeveloj>» raent of an indepeodent eiaea of atbeM] Uie public lande have been aequired and have be*n tied up in a few han«lte or narceiled to suit favoritee, and snial farmer« and pianters have been driven ant bv eorporauoiia or Vontbinatione of capitah«ta: but aa anall fermin* ie een* locive tothe etabUitv of the Btate, it »ahould pe eucouraiEed bv a new »nd «M»re liberal Homnctead act, bv whdi the ownerehip of amall tracta ol innd and the aßtttanent tlmon o£famiiiee of our preeent popnlationA*ndeßpetiali ly of the native Hawnikne who have oeen m'miīnl hniiminwi tn Owkoom-t*y-«hoald be mder«d nees.ble. Tb hm af taxea 1% *»M t HW in fa> fcny«f» thn •I nnd intMa3a2,-«« te in a» the «***, nennr7o«V ing the pfednct el thn i&ii tn MMkei. RUSCT»AL RIHOT _M v We bold i^ifhUfl^nw^ jff!a *$«W hmMt»S»tSUW iMI Ml «II to «M WiM «t *• «miiWiiiilmlihlih h» tnm n MMB MVMmin iwi wniihiiHin |525J~«rtnrfl the B»WMl piiwMM' elHekiMa |netioe. nmlßMMtlmiSeS> ejt n iwel* 3 ih w^lawe a , as»-!siasvs , ic naw«itana neienepee einea pntw te tIMM in tMr own oenntnr % nndel wloeb tbey have been naineU? invM. INTBE2iAL IMPROVEMK.\TS lt Welavor the egpenditnm oI engh eiont enma tooK«nin«nlero(neeM NHie impTovemente on Oahn and etber wnmla; ratir<mdi and )arbn and wharvea, | nblic light, and alee a thor4>ugh »yn%ēm ef rceefrvniie and nrtw wwli, «ot onty iet Henelnh> t b«t thrßnal>'Out the iOer Mm^