Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 400, 1 Malaki 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Im&pe* Hem» ia fer off ao «for. Moe<«ly ia rtill m top fbr two years aen. Tbattbeotborside # are M ef oor hmmi Bcaouiit ot patrfa»oM Kaoai, fer wbtelt reaaon wo give Tbot, big abark that played aitmnd tho aieaaw lUala,is notbing in oompany. to our land sbarks, anoao eī whooa are siz feot long and 250t0300 poundB wei«rht. That a tbo International liberal League will he beld ihie evening at the uaual hour and plaeo/ | Tbat oor looal Bankers»Bhould jbe compelled tfi puhliah tbeir Balanee Sheets same as in tbe United StaU»s. • •* That the iti nerant harper and ifiddler neeme to have taken the piaee of Berger's "molinee muneale» for Inmnem men" that used to eome off in front of the Post Office. That it is bigh timo the Manhal made eome reguktioYiB aboot bicycle ridingon the mde waika, and bicyclo baving ligbts at nlgbt time. That the morobant aud tradors arebeginin« to feoi a liuie tired shelling out to the looal Bankeono por cent premiuna for coid eoin, aeeing that for io many years past the halanoe of trade between the lalaoHa and California has been greatly in favor of the foriner. Tbai the Qūo k n will object to the uso of Unole Sam'6 gold eoiua in this coūntry and will in sist that Hawaii, an indeoendent, sball have it¥ own gold coinage, iinuresecd with the head of itB own ruler. That Mahope Tophet did eail for harbor bar dredging tenders, but Bomebow or other nothing eame of it, and no .ezpianatk>u waa gi ven by the newspaper as to wbot)ier any tenderoare lodged or wero aooepted. Tbat peopie are wondering why the Qovernmont oan't go ahoad and do tbo barbor har drodging tbomoetvBs witbo«it oaliing for tendera, taking into aooouni that they own U»o drodgvr whieh is Mip§iQBBd to bo flt tbo purpooe, and alao tbat they bhfo buiit tbo onoloBuro to contain tbe witbout oal)i«ig for tontei.