Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 400, 1 Malaki 1892 — "PATRIARCHAL" KAUAI. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


In oar lMt *riiole we proved by | unimpeaehahle figercB from tbe r«port of Hts Honor tbe Chief Jaetioe, that Kauiii, witb a )x>pulation of ieea than one-?eventh of tbe entire kiDgdom. cootributed about 30 per oent of Uie gross number of contract laborers who bave been convicted under the "contract (abor" law. One might therefore auppoae, that the "garden ielanei" was peopled by a pretty hard crowd, but a compari«on with other islands provee tbe reverse. Under tb«| beading of "criminal hunineea/' Kauai figurea fbr only 895 criminala, out of a total for tbe kingdom of 7896. Tbi9 clearly provea that the j(eneral population of Kaoai are all rigbt T and that tbe aaoeha- * rine Patriarch wbo narrtes on hia buaine«a by oontraet labor must, in aooae eaaee on Kauai, be ezoeptionaly fond ofioipriMiniDg his laborerB, and have every £acility in tbe ahape of acoomodating courto in furtherance of hie deeiree. Indeed, the machintry of law aod poliee is kept iu active rttHDing ord* er by th« ever4a«ting l4 running in" of tbe %, oontract )aborer/* and if we add to the 777 wbo are set down the said report as * deteriim{ fbeing hound servk»/' tbe on contract M — k pa«i mim buaincss numbering I§, Vf» have a total of 875 as the numU* of '*contract laborere" eonvicted on Kauai ft»r IHHB-9; b«»ing 180 c<»nvictionF nver and ab<»ve th* rnrm ber set d >wn unde*- Mie f .rty eig(it beadtng* »f ' Cnn«<;' The «4 o »i, *Hot lnlH>rerH on Kauai for the pf 1888-9 16 s?t do\tii on pt £t» 21»,

90 of the ofßcial report at 1735. oQt of whieh 875 fioed or tmprtsoned !! What a commentary on a vile institutiofi, against tbo ex)atenee of whieh not a of, ao oalled christian miBMonarr iB heard. What, a handle does Rot tbis dark ehap; ter tn our aoeial hhtory fomish lo tbe enemtes of Hawaii abfoad ! Yet it ie upon an extennon «f thi« u FogitiT« BSave Law, M bj p*ocurinf a larger of oheaper human ehaUlea, toat «oeh |odl9r (?) »911 m Yoimg »ad Wwii and the «M» Imt F«rt 8t DtMM» p>op«> to M1 a Mt «m«. natkmal proiperHy! Tte act wlMi the Faetoloa Cbineee entered the kinf{dom it a ataoding mommwni to tl»e bypocris7 of tbki smm di». aod w«f» |i| not fer theexiateBoeof|iM "alieo ; i^tatoi N --«i tiMir dob§ all 'good nw lwn wlwoljwtt9iltver3r ~thia aame «iiTelUng bjrpMrrtM orowd woold revtre th« Boath Se* kidnappin« wbteh nui on here fcr yeare in the intereet ofthe anotiooB Deaoon who bougbt and sold tbem, and tbnt of tbe piooa man who need and starved ihem on hie plantations at fire dollar a month and stable rqom. We are not through with the "PHtriarch8 ,> of Kauai and in eo far as they may be taken to be founda-. tion repreeentatives of a chriBtian j people, we would expect an honeBt Buddißt to say of our exemplified christianity: tl l'd rather be a pa- J Kan sock!edon a creed outworn." |