Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 399, 29 Pepeluali 1892 — WHY WAS HE SENT? [ARTICLE]
The queetion has often l i<>en atiked but never answered: why Dr. Mott Smith was sent to Washington. He bad given up his residenee here and Hawaiian citizenship. and for the past six or picht years has been in busineBB in bo»ton. It isalsoBtill fresh in the minds of many here that he was for some time a tresty agent for the Hawaiian government at \Vafhington. where he distinguished hiiuself by making a remark in the hearingof Secretary Blaine. That "the whole Hepuhliean party is rotten." It is hinted that he will oot be received by tbe President and that ho t reaty will be made with Hawaii unless she sends an ae* ceptdble envoy to negotiate it.