Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 398, 26 Pepeluali 1892 — "PATRIARCHAL" KAUAI. [ARTICLE]
'-IhiHhw» >t ow pl*uUflfeU" Bii Stwi wbich rant tt tht PrC. Adfli'lkti t«j», i)aoit «tjtir«ly, inthoat ooi)tract labor, pn to pnv» w!&at Ka Leo h£t to <rften aMert* ed; tkteoßtr»et iahv it not iie* etMfsr to tbt toictr hoiiowi. Bot if oot oftb* t«oive or iboic planUtioiit M liui on!v ont ' t)«BOtt «itir«ly H ditpestet with contraet tabor> tbe ftct it tetrce)r mo#e of a protett agaiMt hond ttrvice thtn Oipuio «nertioo tbat | be * % htrd!jr ew" tvore at tbe omw of tbe PinaJerr. Oa Kaoai ateitewbero, tbere tre exceediogij kiad meo a» oDtiiagera tnd ownert of pUntatNm» wbo never haye trooble| with their hands, and there are: othere who «6 Hemlet raid of a cl«st of &ctor»: one wonld suppoee f>n#» c>f n*tur*»'» joorneyic»n i mael* them and botrhed the job. NAturf nev«*r intended ihem» Sor cvewfw of iuen. but the bond by whieh tbev rule—ai«»ne—«nahlen them to ri!antain th<» poeition cf On totue Kauai p!antationa the men art- not pworn &t: on evt?ry aent*n«'e i» flavored with an ,oath. "You O— D— Jack* ttt ,% ia the cotnmo:i, addrett of a eertain (otherwite well edttcated) Gemaan mill mana|ter on Kauai. to tbe fie)d haoda. This to a Hawaiian ie ftpecially gailing t hut any attempt to reeent it wouid laewl the cootraet aiaee in Waiuiea ioek-up and Lihue Jai! '
Th* trcortiß īii tbe 1*« o®eial irport of ihe Vb»ef* ,Ki«tW I prov?f Ilmt Knnai i« fvitle:viiv hariWr i»n thV it>ntriiri thj*n •hv of the othrr iilnml» Jt mui»t he t4»}f»rably evuit*nt frt»iu th? folir>wiog figun «*—whM'h iie ivor -hr tlipU»r'eil, ilial tht*'l««triaiyh who mlf* i»c*iitirii «lui ]«Ut 4»iv Kaiiai ha? a pn*tt\ rt»ugb tiuie Hilh hi* laborn*, <>n |>a«v ©f the reportv»( the Ju*tice fnr the ww w fiiid ihrU4tl ihiui* ber of vatet of refoft)fig or Ue«ert» iog houml «erviif» to Ih» Mt7s of whkii Kmiai furni«heti TTT c«#e« 530 09i Hfttran. and 241 on Ihe i*ianiit of Maui, Mo)okti and Lanai, ind ou o*hu ouly 27 ru*e* In loe fao* of the«e om> U leil to aak *l»U»r tbe "'aiien agi> whoae hahiial it **n Oahe, |ami Hawaii. and ia «mmfirū |<m Rau*t. i« iu»t to le emliM iwlth thi» app4r««i( hnuianinnf ef» f fcvt in popuiatin« imr jatla. <H is t%* Kat»at p*triarch" ao urltwi«i* »«t*in his G*t*rtfe>* ot had cha« , rtckmi liNw>. tm tii)f 1»
fix ott *rdi m tfe* t*—rm why *w liHli» i»Wml ewiirt Katf« ? 30 ew! «f Um iur dwHi«n I«borm t>C tkt f«iHv willi |mml mml lMr th» »11 4«»r AIH! ftvr.traH übrflr bn««i9«» yrt wfev i» thU lli*» ♦ A«kv%riH«r «x>nw tIM r***a*. Hr iW *it w «I* i«it il«»tir «hi ihi» K<ird)v »w u HnM • UW. a »mW *f ** «44 ll»fu»iry liiMlr wri«vr will **Mf :IM » ** «*&*»*: *nmu% **& gattiiiii« «i (Wi