Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 398, 26 February 1892 — TOURIST TRAVEL. [ARTICLE]

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Atuoug ibe other verv "had" thingB whieh ihe Liberal Party had entertained ae parte of ite policy aod whieh prohably caused alarm to tbe Advertiser and Bulletin, wae the inteot to promote tourist trr vto iheee iilaneia. Tbe partT hope * *»e a good majority in the houee in order to eecure amietance for the many enterpritee oece#Barv now for our oontinued pro§perity And aleo among other thinga to obtain appropriati%>us for the purpoie of making tbe attrartionp cf theee iBlande known widely ahroad, and inducing a good percentage <»f tbe iarge arinv of travelers, ?<eerB and lieahh seeker« to co:ue our way. But the Advertjs«>r an<l Hullelin found ihe Lil»erai rarty «i iitterlv haii' that.

lbt*y ili«l al! .n t.h«-ir powpr. an<ll suot<«Bt\illy to |»r?v*Mit it ving a , tnajonty This r*-rver«eop|H>eUi<>tr wa§ pr«*sutnnh!v h*Hanitv we m)ti]d| not beml iu meek «tibuii(t4iot) to I evigar anei con!ie,« but helei higher purpc*?f* atul Ainbitioßp Th« T*iberai Psrtv wiU not lif able to e*rry c»ut, in its integrity. ite progratnree jbr tne Kftei«t*nc« iiml encouraget»eni of ali iueh en* teri*ri«* oa ir<vuJd tend to add to Ihe fenera! weaith 11 nd procp«rtty, for tb«y «rould eiHOunter an eqtiaily numerou? jmrty of refortuer*i whoue so)e object and amhilion īk legig|»tion for <«ngar ami C HJie«. Hut we b<»pe atid beHi ve the erai Parfy wiH endeavor U» prt»ve tbe hōtie#ity *»f it< oha?avter and promi!*eft bv !»triving fur lfgielati*in in aoooniiiuee with tbeir d<\ iftred jH»iicv. i ven if they fai! t«> aecure it Th«' ho»:« r «vf the part) wīH i»e maint.iiiied. an«i the next wili bnng un U!any adherentit. who will hāve *uffered uu» der the he-ei of our p(utocrat elaw One ot the tooft proniKing »our eea for bringing weallh to tbeo»untry ia in touriat travei. Enquirv at tbe t wo bāut« reveai th« Uct that the auiount drawn on fett*r* of cmiit and h*re by our forei|{n vi«itor« ie a oon«id«rabie 9Uiii, re«chitkg up into;b« bundrmi« of tbou*tt)d« aonualiy. But our •ttr*ction« aiw acare«ij kt»own abroad. and tbe crowd»» «»f touristr are lumi into other and Se«w attra* ti ve directioiwi by enterpri»ing adverti*em and glo«irg de«rri|itMitii> The touri»t trarei out of California t*> A!n>ka for in«tance. t« 60 time# n»ore th,in wbat eoiw* U» Hawaii, jret t-bv trtp ia «ver a ro"agh «*ean> to hl.eft-k a<v«e* ain! frtgtd IVit j*Mpi« gp tbrre heeauae the trtp i« Kmmi <*d |,y ,» c . ti*% aiwl i ntf*re* tei | '-tr%n «. aii'i <Mii ae^urītt!v a gry«t Ar*l , t **-al"> p"Uf» «ur« A.a«<A A pMrti««t & wt.iclt C ' Ul »,* ; *a«i<y dvv< r!«Hl hrre For *h? . Ha**n f***e«*» <» far o o v e U tt. < ikiA« th*n 4m« Ala*ka Ao? <%** fatttt itar wīt n ua v% 1. n. E*rope knowa ht»w «ft« t and rt+r*\K arr de ptpdgnl mMy upoo tc«r»ta &>r

Vbf»r pro«fieriif. It & eaid t|bfti| the priQ(ipal indtstlry of BirUt*r»j !and ie t*Hru4s, wiiboot whieh ihe coontry would <o bankropt. Tbe cholera ocar» in luU/ aboat two y«an» ago whieh away toariftts. seriouely the whol« financef of the country, and eiip* pled mjiDy ioeaiiiiee, Touritie i» a paying huaineea, and it iays within our power to do a Jarge ?hare in that line. There \* Kardly * branch of trade or induāUy that jroald.aftii be benefitted by it; even tugar and. eooliee would profit by it, fbr tbete touri*ta would be bound to take sugar io th«ir mornicg coflee. For p*esBure, for healih, for the wondere aod be»otie« of nature, there ean be no more fanoating i that whieh bringi Uie U«Taltr' acroes the mild Pacific ooean and lande him in thia Paradwe ot Iho Pacific. In America-and Europe tbere ar» bundreda of thouaandt of people of wealth and !ei«ure who reetl«Mly •eek a cbange and ecatier to ali parte of the earth. \f all tbe attrac~ tions, b«autiv«» aod allurement of thie tropic paradi?e ww placed attractively befLre the traveling pubhc, there »8 no doubt that large num- j bere could be annuallv drawn i here, - they are to lew» intereBtin|M

j placet», and the mont*y they would j ieave behind wonlil add hirge)y to |the iuatet>ial wtalth of the country. But ltefore tourbta are indu<*<i! |to eome hither in any numl>fr. tt i ie necfaBarf to provtde in many' way« for tbeir act oniinodation and \ faciiitiea for t heni to «ee aod t tijOy all our «ighta without ineon?*» nienee. And thi« would b* a legii timate object for government «•» I •ialanee. Our ntontbly eolempo-! rary the Par»di«e t»f the Facific M | bas been doziig a gra nd work in | tnab;ng our i'aradiae known to the! j worid &t iarge &i)fi it is to he cre-1 |dited wiih baving iuaugurat«d a< i «T«temati€ t:de t#f touH«t travel ia | ihia dirvction With government | I aid for «11 the nect**Ary uieaanm | j for promot!iig tbe totirist huiittt!te, j | our ēhttre* wt»uid «*\kh» twartn with | ,a ho«t of travekrt wiio would leave I weaith in tue ct»unt rv that would | ]be di*tributed amt>ng many indu«> jtri«a VVith eueh attractbns t« i these ialandt undōubtetily \ over uiany fa»htonable re*ort#, wr would nHK)n be the rr«ort <»f the traveling world, and tbe favorite lonnging plaee --f f a shĪ9:i !and lei«ure. \V*e beiH-te taat u vould pay better than eugar. tVe a|»otogi«e to Uie HuhHin fmt ( the Advertiaer lor our iaudation« t of the Lihtrāl tourift. andour rneei« , at the (\>*s*rruliv< eooiie itnuiigra!>t. btit we art »ittcerv iii Mteving that the gvneral poiit yof the Liberal«. waa tt>o lil*eral and «Ulmaniike fc>r the coi»prehenpio«t of the niind» th»t gutde iKir oonieu.p<»ra»ri«a We rvgret that the .t«»u , j nat wiii g* t nn en»XMir»ge« ! n>f nt iht* v«ar, uttd the « ow4+e ianw gram «Vtyp t><h {«urh a iarge twte, htat we h«pe ;n , i twt» y»art |i«e the p*'ple of Ht.uo lu!u «ou)d ha\e dī«oitvtrred tl;e>r 'en\*r 4ttd at the neiH rlectMi«i« wil» tot* Uhp I liiHNil |i>d fw l.>N-ral Trmc p'H6