Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 397, 25 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PUMOIPLI <» OOTKB*MK»T AKD OUHimOIK». 1. 4mb Ml «II ' omuM) «hoahl b> •• tIM priadpla'4< Wm tk«l*v ia< m* <MdiMNd «Nlk. H«hi* MUk, toHbwto, >">"»■ nm# at hi|irl«Mi tojnji-jpn«c<*ioa«wiiart mMhmi ' % ; OTYV MSmm 9tKfHB Hu P»*ie. IkiMn» mM* lonaa aad Wih awwadiaHf wu» aad, a»th« prowit Oon>titntiop eltb> HawaihMi KJ»r MepKa» i»ti2k w» ***** <* * BttHifln*,t»tnriy wwt acSlrainBu[ % tbe aad>r tbe
. " : ||J - &. We «laai .tCMi hw.bT whM» t »nfh|i»ini iir<lprS# ftnd mM<3BiorY alMlep. PKOIKmOK f(l HOMK IS--oUflTßin» —— 1 7. Wjßtre la tivor oi«wMwjjtiii| bo«ae afnot)Uire &sid xsdtistriea, a&|&Sl our B«llve ptodeelB, iiko Heo» wooi. teboceo, ele. ebcmld bnnMai * ■nrī fnnttmrt tiy jrrn]inr tnrfff ni|Uiillun j aad dbf> H mw* %o llw dsty ol &<t Q«v Mai, ia Ho eomim&a ood otfwr «pm» to gim|»ro<em>ae te aiiimi pw>» dooli over inMCt«i am. LO€AL BEUr-<H>Y£^!dQPrT 8. Wo dwire o «mwo IMml poifey te!4ottl onloUtoollbov *o*ild *». «ihw o foiror ft*|<e¥tftea ol lbe piMH aoMMF« fcr Iho <ter4lop«Mfil fchoir «o» eonreoe and liio ol M wonle. Ia loel, Ue pvMpt* ofloiti, O«NoWMit eboold lse ■— wh©r«by giTingkMaUOoe»i7 ehooee ii» moet lmportant of tb«ir ioeai oxeeotto oflkws, and l«vy Usee Sor tho purpoee improvomoate ot a jmbHe QtUure. pußi,;o &mv A«8. (i. ik*tter lawe s<ioeid regniate llio C£vii B*rvkse. The principle of the ei*. » tioii of <>nUvre of ihe government by tlie people «»hould be e»t&bii»hod, «ml oo umn ihoulii be al!o**d to bdd ntore than one oillee of pn»Āc, VhHet u ealuieo «houUl be a<U<iuate eompenaoiioo for the »arviree ren<lered.. Aii exoeeeive e*> iariet» «honld be miumi and ail eino cnr«e or stipeifluoue oi&eee aboHeiied. PECTECTION TOTHE LABOEKING CLABB«S W# o»doree »11 moastire te«<Upf to imppove th© coodition of UiO workinfrctagee£, and coaaeqtSAiitiy, witb~ o»t injuring any veetad rights, we wffl advocate lawe tb preveot <01 forlh«r importatkm or fMploy«Mßt ot eo»traet* • Ww of aay kind, npoa oeßditet whieh wiil briag it inlo • mhwe imi āognullng oo»|»ei|tl«B wHh lree Hawol ioa or white- iabor. Wo lēeli aled, ra Iho intere«t ol the beiter pmMHM of the poov, aek ter bm«w libera) «so»pttep M ihelr pro|>erty frw» foreed eo2* oa «k octiti<m. and 6rom Nkn€ iite|natcr ptroceedißg. 6MALL FAKMIKG AKD HOM& FTEADK X
10. TlMwea!thy fracttoa of ha?a hjth«rto prrrMiled tb« deveiop. «B«it oloii li»lep«Hleateb«B ef dttaui: the pnblic kadi bave hee& iniM ftud fe»w bw tied ap iai w «idt f*vortt€«. and *mtA lumm »nd pknt*rß h»ve W» drlv«i wt Vf eorporaiioiig or Mi%teatlofi« ol hotM«flM»l ooaißdrt tnth««HMTJ»r H s^«iKd l »2Si<L* fT_Si a-ggaSSwaa sSESS!^SS!S thtt nd. U» Owm—iad Owm f L hr i t inv*dtii« ) M mm\ U, rt tmm, m <>( Ucj>n4iMt <d tk« nmnomiL BIH(IT. ry.ifßy <l 'i JIM ' n« wi mft to tjb» Mil «f tbe pMr mb, Tfii iT!i ilmliiiiiīiiii lit fawr 53S25iS?Lfys^s iUain tMr«ra owuiiii. MddiSUi tbigr heve ben «iHHthr ieinlnwl iKmuiAL imtovsmQnr^ d£~«£.?s£rsi!tt Etirssn2iSi?trttt 3^iJs3Kl-