Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 397, 25 February 1892 — "PATRIARCHAL" KAUAI. [ARTICLE]
In a rt*cei»t nuiiiber of Ka Lko ve gave an aeoouni of how the patriarchs on Ktuai snan&X£ nouuinal* iog conventioni. How the Deputy HberiffB and Ux officul« on thal verdant »§le 'un(iertake to run po litic§. 8o«ne uf the«e gentry are recent arriv»l«, being only two or three yeārt in the kingdom, and to apeak literally, tiave nothing in tht?ir own personality eitber in the hhape of intellect or moraU or faa3ily to entitle them to unhinge their jaw§ on Hawaiian poliliee. .
Th.cy sitt\i)ly on to thtir| hiJle!f bv re»fion of tho fa< t th;it| thcy ca" nhow the projK*r ilt groe r>f cr>nteu)i»t :' r t!ie native lluwaiian ( and ali hi. \vavs.. to cntitle iliem to, the lavor of tho f»>ur Nal»>h« who: ruh.' Kauai. < >nly lot one u(li< ial j exliihit a Binull iicgree of munly incle)>eiiclcnce aud the ncxt steauicr wouM bring ao order tor his reiiioval frotu the goverament corncrib. CoDsequenUjr things in general are. as the P. C. Adverti»er Bays, very harmooiouB on Kauai; for to be out of harnu»ny, #ould mean that the "kicker ' would «oon have to beout of Kauai. Them* fore the unolKei&l reeident on Kauai. who venturra an opinien on tbe fubject of nominating cocventi<ma will, if he wantt to live ou Kaoai, admire tbe sagftdtf of tbe Lord of Übue in ap»pointing certain government officiaia to gmoe tbe nominating conventi<Hi. and that Her Majeaty ougbt to recogniie tbe fact by appointing bi:n governor of the isiand.
The Advertiser aajB a great deal "pkā been done for emploree« in a fariety of ways and as a consequenoe a better tooe of feeling pre▼aiis" on Kauai. To whieh we wouH remark that th«re is Io6bi for mueh improvement stiU; and we would like to an expreesion of opinion fnnxi the apologist of tbe Kauai aristocracy, Mtowhether the lollowing inced«nt i* a eample of wbat tbat paper oooaklm ealculated to produce a M b«iier tooe of feeiing. ff
On the 16th of November last ihe naiiv«s ofWaimea, Kauai, being desirou» M fceeping aiive tbe aioha for their late King, decided to have a luau (nathre feast) on tbat dav the anniversary of his birth f snd whieh had been for so many years observed as a oational holiday. Tbree native laborers from Kekaha plantation absented tbemseives toattendthe feast. At nooo a posse of polieemw went to the feast groundk and produdng warranU for tbe arrest of tbe tbree laborers, handcuflfed ibem and marphed them off to Wilom »ock up, where they were kept until tbe next morning. At nipe o'c]<»ck Herr Glade broth?r of the German Consul, ap* peared to praecute atid tbe tl»ref labor«rs Weie to p*y a hnt of 10 dolliirs or 20 days iu Lib'ae Jaii. Their p»y bcing tbe pri»oeiy sum of 16 doiiars a BMtb
thev took it o«t in Jail. Aecjrd* injriv the three were tnarched oflF to [Jhut un foot a distanc« of twentythrto niilea to »pend 20 dayt on <r<»vt»rniiieot road work, and at thfi (•x|iiration of their sentenoe to be marcb<V] bark on the. ohakn an4 hnndetl over to tbeir ownere at Kekaha.
One of theae #ame laborerB n&m* ed Kaaha overslept himself f and wae not preaent at 5:50 a.m. muster of Kekaha bboi> ers. }Ie waa agam arrMted ftMi tt now doing another 20 dajra at Ll« hue. Oh yea* Advertiaer as ywt taf "the relationa of foreigmr§ aod Hawaiiana are so bara»oniou« on Kauai." We are sending &*w onr papera to Piberia, aa it may eonaole the wretche.i in thatregiofi to ksow that we have a «maH Biberia in Uns Paradice (?) of the Pacific.