Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 395, 23 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That | Rffymon4 ptrty on their return fbm th« Volc«no m to bo iniited|to vj||(b« Honolulu «nud ?prings, eeleflhtid tor curing rheumatism. |influtns%. &e.

. Tbat Jbe mud $prinff* are situāt* ed on Que??n $t?eet at the corner of Alakea Btre«t.

1 That ii was on aeeouni of the ! proximity to | the mud |«nd that the site .ras ehoeen on Aiakea Btree*ior vhe new Sai!or's Home thatistobe erocted in the sweet

That the ,k dear Sailora. f will b$ able toenjoy a «wim io U»e imid springs fm of charge and the Fort Btreet Charch ladi«« aitd deacone ean look and see th« fan.

That the Sogar in tbe United Sut«B will etrangle some of «or loeal BQgir han>ns.

That oar eaoeUmemiaa friend of the P. C. A. has reqwested lawjert «&d tMr of the SoIp how the law āad !t§ precedm inthe eountry ean b« impmei.

. That tbe P, C. i. doea oot eon» deeend fe» *sk the paniea moeOa inth* refbrm of oar law eooHe to npn their opioion ahonl ihe MH«r.

TliM iho nwUne OM»t inl»Mtod in th« re£era of tke *law aed thf SwpreateCotptare tb« j*epfe. the eommon, low peopk, don't yoci kiiow.

Th«t tbe peopk» aiias the Uspa.yer«, woald Hke to eee tbe Bu* pwne Gourt lad|CBe get a ww on, M)d work «U tbe yeor roand, aWd p»l in a &ir dajr'B work say from 9 to 5 o'eloel. jaet like Qiortele.

twi MiiMm BCffMp[Or 18 ißrnin| 00l i wbite flepheat and tkit it tt tobe ooaverted into m avmored war veael for barbor dtfenoe.

Thnt a Uife nmber ot Port«* |oeee oa»eto Bonol«l«k on Taeedar last m tbe Claodi»e other Und Bte*»fv». 6omo will leave bf Um and oUiet> wb bavo not the meaee to do eo» wUI ro to ew«tt ihe mnke ot tfce p)oyed, th* hanfry aod tIM dieeen teated. A ia*h e»vera&efet was heard tn Bajr, whoHl eta»p en khe: tail of aay ceat.

Ttot feMl BfttM4*v h «w «t Um Briti»h d4IWV.i W)Mh ui W. C. iHwi'll >ii«wtfA. 11. Bbrmll. m$ whnA '•Mii Vf iii * gn»d' hu( up <* U» m* «rUwe)«\ Knp«for'WMn>c w tfc> Owwi-" Antht p*Hj • CNMM|trt d» tW «Wr» i« ;mw* wipi'»! «m Mag *t tIM MM Hm» *t tM MliM wiilM» uf H«r M«Mt<7 >a M <W ImiHi

l»V9lty whieh &n&TOr§ftMi Im 9trkmen% aau all o-o©opolie*. tml»aMHjj rimdtred impoēaiei#, % ftS* ■MaS iod Bian<lfttOlT 9U£«t««« ; : 'l : PEOTKCTION TO HOSTS 15M>TBXE3 7. V/e are in i&vot of eaeoturasifi& «( Koai« āfi*icuUare ar*<l E>ur imtive pro<lr.ct«, Uk« rice «rool. tal>AC'COv «tc. «hoi;i<l be prolecM Ksd loet«rcdfey j>ioper uriff md aleo it u*u«t be. tke daiy o£ the CNnr* eaeni, ija its «mtvacte othe? opm» UoBt, to give pr«iereece to n&lieMl jxo» loct* «v«F impcffted o&ea. LOCAL SELr-CW>V£JĒDrMKSTT 6. We<keire a aaore liber9l polkf «r»fds the 4iffereßi ot &* Slaf» loa. outfide of U«lia; tker &otāā m* a fal|«r fptt|Nf*to- ol th« $*tl£fe BaoHera lor the tbeir ya» ionreee aod Uhi oi tMr vuto. la iact, tfee piiaeipk oHoeiO, ehwUd I» «KMM» vhereb| giving loeiiUiiea auty dwni tb| no«tlaiportfist cf ?bMr Meai e&eeOim ofik*r« t a.MI k%T taj«s tht p«rpos® 1 r«l iau»vove9Beiita el a pub(Jic aAtm. ITBUC S£EVAKTS. e. Mter kw»»turc<d tbe & vil Ser%'ke. Tbe pnaeipie of |be «m* tk)® of «fitaere of tl» pinamai bf - ihe people ehooM be eBt*bsthed,aad ao maa akMmid be iIM to Mi iMH UkAH one office ol profit, wfe£fcat aHino afeeu3d be theaar?k!eafße4aved. lanee akimki fce fatoed «d afi ata» PBOraCTIOS TDTHB L4B6HBI|MI nuaa|» «. iMI ettdene all lumm i^B3ssli2*ii^ss : iil i iī{K IL' nnflntftji 1% : tfeei*Mt«t o*tfa* Mler pim&om * et tMr tro» MililKiK eeattafc>«adlwMi «ii»eiiMN|iir BH4LL FAJtHIKQ AND HOXB I«ADK. the pabtic huaialiai* Iwa wmIwIM have bee« * ed «{> b i fewmmk m SSram«L^riiiianli mbUhv dhS^kMlvJ| lree el to9Gea lar a BBiia(l. aaent %e, al e«sa, aa M Imaw n t>» tteanret Unmm ikm % M, ariftn> RLSCTO»AL BlMnr. 11. We held tbet nd teaal M>bii «ai MI w Maē«te y| hr nalilai — awttii eh<wildbe MtwMto«te < S&IB , S r|ch »vi tkM H tl» Whl «I tl* p«a) Mi, I)»M«taitiai li knw el frealth se« imAili «k OwMiMhi * r<s»U*rv to * g tki eHmal MMphi etnfht »ttd f*stk* a»dmia6b»aisßE ed. w idl tefti tt IKiO» yHhm|>ect <tft>N> ri^tevoaelee vto& t ]Mr«ftbi t» Uma h>lhAr*9mMmto<mi*9*m they hattt baa» yUaatN dawt™*. lNtttlUL tMI%OTSiqB3ET» 5226 eh iSm&C OjCS assr^