Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 394, 22 Pepeluali 1892 — PROTECTION TO THE LABOURING CLASSES [ARTICLE]
9. We ewiom all Tn«asure tesdi»f to ihe eooditk>n of tbe w<»%ins elaeeee» sad co»sei|ti#iitiy, wHhoai iojuring &&y ve«ted ripit«. we wOI *dvecttie lawe to prmat all !urth«* S«k * port«#k» or ei opotvact* »i»T ol w kMKI, «poa mdiUm wh«eb iHH bfinß H inlo a ftbd wiih fm> H*wai »11 or while tebor. We ehal! eko r in tbe inter*e4 ol th* kttem protectio9i ol INe pooF.Mk-fßr mof« ese»|Hlett ol their »mßerty fwwi?i ffHrrwt eeeiloa. aad froiß eoiaiire U bafikropk-y prooAe«ing. BMALL FaKM?WG AND HOMS BT£ADB. 10.Jh« wealthv fndita of oorpope]** 4ee heve hiti«erto |»eveated tfee<&vel9p» me«t of 110 of eitiz*ne; the p«ibitc iawde heve beeu ecqoiiediHßd favt heea tied «p in e bftn is or imroeiled to euit £avonte», a»d «mai kraera aad nknttHrē kave b*m &rive» »«t bf eafpoitttoMror ee«iteatioAe ef eei>itāUete; hgt ae en*U lamioKie «b~ iocive totfa« of tbe Stete, $t ehoahi pe encottntted. b? * eew «nd store tibpra) Hemeeieed eet. bv wMi the«WMf«ii» of emai! ty»cie oMnd a»d the ■m—i theraos of lai&Uine el ear eeeeeal po^h^on,—aad«sieciali lico!!f l^elM^i^h^^im?! 18 ***** he!3rwHkow* «t p om» « pewihhi to totentomin> Upi» el taxee f??!teited ue»^^ ?t dhee!d he the tortiier «» «i «mee* ,mm& to, at eaee, lar i&pawe the KLECTOEAL KIHO?. *»" **»* «p%htand bon«ft ai%d Mt tb <r W9dth.efteti»rU7teed. ehoo]d eoneiirtgnt to wte |er BQbl«« ae weUee> WMiiiiiiiM, iad m 8»n power Mdhe efwdedt6the bai!otoitbe rieh »%« tIMB to the beHnt ot %bePf* BM«- ?fcfrdfeeriaiiietkMi ia toot f* m*k i» oor Co*etituti«ft isS«yte»l tke et*raa! pHneielee iw*» aedoiQet wlahe!uS* ed. To thie eed> ww wtU law a t*ve3» iM «I ttefnee»V «Iwikeiioe ol weahh i»d cteem vlil Uomli <mr ft«« - wHh rea|Hftt olthe rigb| to Vote for Mee» *hevehy v«etoriai |o the ®ative *^ f fathitrw^^ WT*»|IAL IMraoVKifEST» eieißtelile*!* ***