Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 394, 22 February 1892 — The Transient Nature of the Hawaiian Monarchy. [ARTICLE]
The Transient Nature of the Hawaiian Monarchy.
[No. S ] (Continiwd). Bome wven yenre »go th*re appe«red tn ae» ef keal peredicals an art!cieentiiied u Tbe poiiiieal and Social Future of Hawiiii". Tbis articie attracted conatderabie attention at tbe botb firoro tbe i ndep6Bdence of it« tbougths and ihe clear and foreib!e manner in whieh they were expresBed. Tbe follow ingquotations will sho* the authors views upon *a pb««w» of the subjeci whoae importanbe hae certainiy not dioiini«hed it> ihe yeare that bave oinoe eiapsed. 4, Thirty yeare agt- this was a naiion of Polynesians. whieh. tbougb fcreatly redoeed in numhe», atil) maintained mueli airet>gtb of na> twfeal life, and a ioyal ciiu|(ing to tbeir old chieftaincy. At tbat Ume the heieditary native noQar» chy wa» the natural and r deeirablp poliiieai form, and for tbe native people any other was scaroely poa•ihle' 1 . . v "In thia ninlh decade of ibe eentury we ftnd a greai obange is going 011 and girowing apaea. * • '* With a preponderaiing fbveign popnlation we «iill have, and* under very favourable eircumaian* eea of ab)e aud honeei admietriitson, we tnay eoniiuue for aoiue iime longer to have, a roooarahy wiib a sovereiffn of tbe aneieni native AIH iipeaee. But ib{la omler of ihing» is manileatly iran«ieiii and in tfct rutUtes« logic of inevitable\enden» eiea. isgoing nn īowards a ehange. ,v %, Ii ie io andentaiMl how any one oan suppoee tbe Ha* waiian Kingshipi to be oiber ioan; a verv transient iiisiiiuiton. Under tbe oendiiioiio i* whieh ti exi«t»« it I» a OM»t. uniiue asd uapanilel» ed po)iticat are»gesaoot and due lo » wMiy eiowkmal eomhiaaUon
ef drotus*i&A6e&. • • * T&e haae of ihe ig d«*yeel, aßd 00 ee*fre eki»k wiil he a«faiied io tt ov«r. As in due iiDE»e the naiiw eo7er«goiy oomee io its naiurai ©ad, wh©ther by tbe de£ay of ihe oeiive peopie, hy ihe leek of ohtefe, or a f»neral end of ite uaef«io«», ibefe wili eeaae to be any otber po8«ble nOiytog pmoi fertfc<ir eeii *>r aneh an i&eUio"How b«ā«re ihe ioeviiaMe oh*ogt eooum, wU! a@peitd upo& ihe defm ef<»refoL reag*eahft ind mnnnminal iioo ihat ihe motift*eby may eoi* tim» to atopcL ihie wUi"mereiy pteci|«te«e U» ehac«a ! ihai a»ght h*?e heeo Bow tomiiionwheaiioa»«ewtß he eieeifij, nH titr nrrniffirr rflnrtititiirm eoneem ae oo w to iwjttire t Whee theteekripe aod th* wn*f impef*tive, a eober aud enltghietied oommaoii? wi<! ioodiiy amoi». pUāk ilie ch*oge." . l%e*e ameurely aod w»dom. | Ae eoeh they de> earve to be poodered by aii, eepeeialiy by Haij(aitanB. However repugtiaoi Buoli| tdeii may have been io ihe niLereets» of aome, aod io ihe feeiing aod brejudtoe» of oihēri> wheo hret puhlinheU, ioe faots on whioh ihey we«r beeed wert 80 noioriouB, and iiie argumeat»<Bo weli put, ihai jio|BerkHiB atiempi was ever made to |a»eei eitiier tbe one | or the utber. ■ If ihe ewehttaiiy iraneteoi o*- 1 ture «f ihe Hawaiian mooarohy was aoi oniy & reasooabie, hoi almoei a oeoe«jary eoneioaion eeven yeefe agorwhat, ie ihe ooUook-ein ihe preeeni iime ? Hae anythiug occurred īn ihe iniervai to Birenfiheo the hoid of ihe monareiitoal idea upoo either tbe feel)ng or the inteliigenckf of | any uoriion of ihe (K>muiuniW ? Has ibe ntonarcby «lunnei toē iime nanurd, reaped any hpnom, Kchieved at»y legiiimale auoeeeeiie, or done anyihitig wh*iever to 4trengihen i(a eiaim io penuaoenoe ? To iheee atid &|i que*iion* oi |simiiar impori ihere ean be bni oti« repiv, aod ihai an emphaik: negaU *e. The 1 £avor*bie eireoto*i*MBf of *bie *nd hooeei admioie€ratt4ai" *od tbe "degfee of oittefol t aod eooaomieal admintBiratkm M whieh were ia£d down *a eeeeniial ooodiUoop 01 tte eooiiohaoee of tbe moo*roky are ooi being re*iised. Imrto*d cf *oy pmpeei of ii»proveaieni, iheioAoeoee noi domtnaot *t head qo*rtera*re 80ōb ihat iheir oonUnued eupremaoy me*na * Bure *ttd raptd deoeoi from b*d io wone. The iooo*rBby gi je* tto evideooe of ip* erea*ing infiueoce. aogiiteniiog digniiy or improving eharacier. On ihe eooir*i7,i ihere haa heeo a dieiioei dec)ioo|io all ilieae partinu< iam. Ju»t how kmg thiB deeline eao go on wiihoui reoohtttg ihe io» evii*hle evtd ft* of ooune, wh*i oo one e*n on[t*ioly ieli. Bo« oo eaoekl siodeLti of oorreoi Hawaiian hi*tor? oah ikii io Bee ihai ihe eooree df evenU haa hmuu and nuw is, rooni|»g steadi)y io the ooe dir«oiion, and ihai k>ward dvmocraitc*ittBiitui)onB. iii ihe larguafe of ihe ariiele ahove qooied, * ihe hoae of ihe throoe le deoay*d, and no aevere ahoe* wili he *w*iied to togifile ii over. M