Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 Pepeluali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That it has been said, taa| JHr. Waterhottse> nionkey died' 100 •oon, as he was to be osed to draw the erowd U> Manamanr Armory instead of the Roval Band.

Thftt monkey was tokeepthe cr<»wd amuse<{, while sorae ©f ihe Bpeakera hekl the floor. Ena for inaUnee, T«iat thQ Buah-Wilooi faction are not so h|ird pnshed to draw an audience as to be in neeel of the Baad. | ■ ; !■ ■ ■ That A. Peterson api>earB le. A y and sad sinbe his noniination re-

quires that hie should «hake Ihe eo- | cietv of foriuer as&ociates, and thal | he ia probably ruminating *ver ihe 1 Bible proverb: "The ways of the transgreseor is hard." Thai if ihe Cabinel had been | poBBessed of imy adminisiraiiTt M* Htv tHave made tiations wiih sou»e of tbe Bush fac- ! tion pirates to capture the Beagle | for thera. ■ j., . ■ That Grand Voung man tbat writes for tbe Adveriiser could' : iiave suggest<!d natues for them t-> 1 Be)ect from. i Thai Mess rs Bowler, Quinn 800levan, Nowle n, M<K»rc «& Co. dou't ai)pear to be »0 elated as they were ai first aboul fixing iheir lliih» ga»we for the reforni pali*' sal faction. Thai second )ieutenant Quinn looks as if he feli he was no longer inii. ■ : ■ V That ihe Meesenger exposed ihe working o? the (lioue and i:jw they have ihe <nan;.a Naiional Re(orm fo ihe first ti(re dLrirg thir campaigh. | " ■ . » That Balv«tion Army depa?tisent I of the Fort Bireci Church will greatly mifs Rev. Kill EammonC. j Thai it w« ? verr unkind of th«» ladies of the LMiorch* noi to bif« raised a pur»j for William* as they did for Rev. Dr. Bro. Hell-an>back »oiue years »150. That were supplanted j ftt Kwa PlanUuon by A siatic imbor t ! by the Maoager, a;id tbe owners ! have the teaierit/ to oome before | ihe 7 workiiigJne:t io «bk them to < %*ote tor tbr" agent» i. e„ B. F. | Di!Hngbam. 1 • That amoug Banditl;, l ; ghway j robhers a»d other thieves. a cerUin poini of bonor had always existr !.' but that the ©*litor of t .ie P. C. Ad- I verti»er had su::k svea below that J point.' |

■ V n ' *. Tmt fl« M I Thmt» vdee « Mbno«r fcp* '";•" ipM Uie peo|4e ar» no '! MooUAbld <or *8? s|KHlniMi. Tfe»t iigbt he«<fe4 Jo)m 4. C —— II» lo ieU tbs*table bo?s tba#b« . Ki»g Aod IM &•!*> - luim «ti bb taf»t. Tlm l«iWr*B «M«r Bh<H»ld thajl be ttioßljrt ben»t on »nd did noi koow bow to 000, ilie <kTors of bi« Bovm{ff>.

Thāt it it mlUkn&wn now that fcta £fcrk ii b<««ag tHe * 4hat onot w«i>, mod will Boltß him _ wholii jret. . - r '

That .lohn A. Camißiiia at the Waikiki poiitical ia#etmfs, wimi h@ found he had to «s»9ak, it conveiiient to b* unwaU, and lr before it «ame to hia turn.

| Th*t the Preeident of tb« H«i Kalaiaina, J, Kaheonei, leH tfee Waikiki meeting, m ftko the Pmi* | dent of the Native Sous of Ht««ii, |J.A. C M heeaiiM Bu»h wm at th« | aame w©eting Th«t they eannot do it a«ain aa the eomraoc.ets-wiU Arrange all eooh

soiatt «maUers to anU the tnasaos in future. | That Scōlewan says, iailh an oil 1 make tbiafB warm fir eome u thim if me p*ri%y gets in. | That the P. C. AdVerti«er te*t» , the truth for onee, that the Bowi- ! der mde buord ia not ail nght. j <>h vhere, eh wher« i«h my £ierfte£ef <>, I Oh where. ob.where ean hē be, | Mit his tung eo ahort, and hi« jaw *o ,lonf :■ Oh where, where ish be. He*« gone te istt W.tt.i9rtiisitt, Oh th«re, oh thero ish he; <hii Baldwta'geaac car Wa voterf *P1 *it Oh*happy, 4>h happy he'H be.

_ Tbat John F. Colburn is aa in* dependenl candidate for Honolulu RŌad Board. That Harry Von Holi 18 another. Tbe Road Board eeems to be the fir»t pl&nk and tiepping stone to aspiranH fi>r po* iitical honor», and if iho/ keep their fingers elean, inay tead to higbwt oe«t in tbe government. That m Ulood Thirs',-on inl'wi» | datod a not ra*ny yo»i | '«e iaterp;,et the *aw ot.f Tiat t!i« 3fb nard rct3i r.• i19 onetbiftg and »irt-axiiDe!W ■ v-:tincr is a horteof anothcr co!tr. I That Ka-:oc ī'u p;x>pajta»da v. H l be throvrn a«ide ;:?he*d d by t* 1 3fth vard. That the'failure of the Un : oa Iron works it another inatance of how a oouatr? ia done to death by oeonopolieU. If Honolulu waa backed ud by a eolid agrieultnral popu?at : on t there woold be opening* for amail maehine ehope, a« well as blackstZiith and other meohanloal trades eould'be carried on at a P«*c£t with, tay ; two or ihrise eaen to Trorl; 'n a ahop ae in other eeunUie»* That if Mr. R. W. Wilook had waie knowt> li!« iti # « he would had a large ft>Howittg of white uen (not afraid) as hv hasito-uay.