Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 Pepeluali 1892 — The Joint Mechanics auil Kaiaiaina Analyzed. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Joint Mechanics auil Kaiaiaina Analyzed.

The tfoor old MU#k>nary Heforin Party, with whoiu the stone thrower of the El«le is trying t«» fall in love is expeeted to v *w«llvW J. A. ( Jtitiimina for a Xobic. What a eheek for the Klele to a«k aoeh iniBBionariee u H|d« aitd S. K. Hishop to blesē «oah a «inner with their votea! lf tlie "Unien". fac* tion of th« National Party ar»> men' they ean «t lcwst wibh d<iwn thoir defeat with a pock<*4ftil of th« Elele'i Mts rnstea«l oH*lling in love with the sour old 3fMon«riet, Re form Party. Ther*'s no 1ot« ia a miMfchar3r heart exoept fer dol* lars and centt, anel to picture the tormento of the wicked in the burning pitch §i sheql« alth#ugh just now they may fall in lov« with the Meehauiea in hopea of a ehanee to rake in a lew uiore dollars and eenU.

The wel) known epiuyi boodlers on the ticket may be a hard piil U> Mwallow but its piea«ing efifect« on the dol!are and ct»nts may make the elaaiie inis»k)nary, hearta re~ ceiv« the nftughty oa«s. Binoe th« Elel&aml Thumton haa disoovered a sudden great !ove |»r «aeh other we hope noihing will happeu t© break up the love matcb.

For the firfit ward the mi«sionary reformera are asked to vote fer Heleluhe rcho is neither Meehanie, Wprki igmen, nor Merchant, but a ———well, perhaps a mis»ionary convert? We are ignorant ofthe antecedents of tbeir oandidate. Perhaps the interests of th« dowci town merchants ean be betler served by hiii» than by a eoinmon stabie boy. We hope Messer* Thurston Eleie & ('o. will not forget him in their morning and evening pravers.

For ihe aeeomi ward agreyheaded ignoramuB aml an okl »inner, who 18 it* his dotage is held up for Legielative honorB, and the Missionary Heform Party rei>reBc.nted hy the WaterhouBes and others including our only "Kale Mahope 1 ' i& n»ked by the elowii of the Elele to gink their iniBBior>ary prejudices; deinean their natural intelligei>ce, shut their eves and vet« th« ignot rainuB . ; n, lent Bi:sh and Wilcox earrv the eleeUone ! Auwe !

For the third ward a re«j>ectable haek driver is the candida+«. Thia is h consiatent notnination. One of the wing« of the Uiiion are active haclt driverB who do the runhing b«>i„.»«8 t way into the "wee sma 'o nicht," but don't a»k quesUon. . Their husineBa no doubt need« t)rotection, hencg one of tham is ' lwUni to be their repreaenta* ti»vo !n ihe Legislature, and the elown o£ the hoodlers den on King Htreet, sende forth a squeak' wh«rewith to touch the hard h«rt(L of mUs»ionary reformera that he may get their vote«.

! Th« fourth ward itt the ot?lebrftl«d ! hoine of the rhrfa industry. whieh 'we infer tuust be one of the i|dcii* triee to receive the encounigeii;ent uuder Bection 2 of the joint pUt> . form. The nomin«tion for thi» ward is th®T%fore oousietent wiUi the pnnoiple crf the *'Meohaiiics" laeUoii who.ip bi<iding fer a)l the Noble votes they «in get, and tbe devil take the (nnaka represen* t,Ve J The Meehanioi ' noniinatioo

th» fifth wam !a ih* i«p«t *V9*+pliale qim allf V AKw* other ignoramoft ho 1« ae mmlhmi ; mid«rtaker. 4nd eaa be «Mro«M with ih* laat rtte« ©*er | the thm qu|irrel«o«iM fiMtioi» the" t>ppoBition, after ih» UM« phall hav« wpippMl ihooi JFor the Roftd lh« loodte.. has e«ndwhiel>«d hi«iwatf two of tfie popol«r oa«idkiali« dfUM Liberal Party in hop«« «f fiitiag in. X»w an oetrich oao •w*!)ow a ptb> ble, but no hoo«0t vot«r ew) •#*!- iow a bowKd)er. Arrah ! mi piasterer, we've no pU*Udng job for j roads, hi,jab*rs. • VornL 1