Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — We the People once More. [ARTICLE]
We the People once More.
. Knder the beading 'conatitutional < hunge«" the croaker of the P. C. Adverti»er takw the opportumty onee āgniir to let the puhiie kilow that uur ahip of st|t« i« in trou ble SenB, and it wiil ®acrifice on their part to reach a p<.rt of Bafety—uer * coiitra" the Katioual and liiteriiational Überal PartitB, and their candidateB. ali fair minded lioneai workerB to l>ear a han» 1 U]irigh t and u n tra tu mell ?d ad ui i nistration Ih the «ntidot«. We have been t<»o iong enslaved by landgrabberB, phinterB and their eheap eoolie iabor, too mueh bulldozed by ut>principled hireling lawyers repre»enung the upiwr 500
Pearl City land owners and railr okd boouiers now appearing with their conuorant mawa ready not only to devour i!)is country'« vitftls, l)ut also a feW uiilliona of Unele Sam's money, mav be clagged amongst tlie obBtacle« to legitiuiate cultivation of our fartile valleya and plainn The Liberal Pariy »ay let uh ali join hands and build up an agricuitural comiiiunity, up the landg that are now motiopoliz* ed t>.' those cursed shark«. Thie u ill an«l *ha'l W done.—Tax theiii tiie sharkB until they are com|Kilted to let go. Suflfering thouaands are *tanding by willing to work aod ready to »ettle down on hom«Hteads oftheirown. l)own with %,moi*op<»ly," frew uien be up and aaaeK
your rights. Toe P. C >. and their j followinK will pell you every t'<me.;