Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — Wilcox's Advent on Kauai. [ARTICLE]

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Wilcox's Advent on Kauai.

Mr. U. W. Wilcox's advent or» the gar«len island has demoralieed the ]))an9 of the Mis»ionary lieform i*arty, when he appeared among them like an avenging angel, and noiiK{)ated the only K. lĀndmami a» the Xobl«i Candidate for the liawaiian Liberal J J arty. lt i§ !illy acknowledged, that this will prevent Mr. Sohaefcr'« proxy from cojning to īowii ap Xoble for the K»;(brni MiHB»onary Party. The world i& progresBiug.

Tlie appeamnee pf Mr. Wilcox unduubtedly wili be the nieans of beating tiie nommee» of the Reform Mioaionary Prfrty and supporters of Boodle adrr.inistrationB. Luaus were giveu everywhere to Mr. Wilcox, even the new Govemor, felt it Dolitic to uae the gentleu)au's naiue to help his party. *