Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 Pepeluali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


FRIXCII»LE OF GOVEHSMENT AND Ot>NBTITUTIOii. j I. W# deem tft«t ail f*ov*»rnment «hauld be 011 the principl«e of Üb©rtv, Eqiialit3r and Fratemitv; we ' hoM thmt4ii ineii are horn free niui «qiuU j before the Uiw and ar« e»d wed willi [ inaiienaWe ri«ht» to I&», to liberty, to ' propertp, to the pursuit of happiueaa and to j»lf-protection againet arbitr*ry ' ro»ceiitration of power t irresfKaioible, we&itli, Mid unfair corapetition. Wei» { iieve that ju®t g-«vernuient exigt« ouiy | by Uie conseat of the People. and that, I when it hnMwi nece«»ry lor the pub-1 hc welfare, they may Mboli«h exi«tingr | forms aod (9tablish more adfajitageouB ; and equitable iystera; and, M,thd pnkj. m*nt Con»tJtntio« of tte Hawaiian Kirtgdom never ha* uad the app(ov«l of the IVopkr, Imil waa ertablisded bv intimidatk>n and fraod for the benefU of a j certain elaaa, therefore we fa\*or the »doption of h aew ami more liberal ConHtitution, to tnily e©cure a (»overnment | «/ the People, bg the IWple and /or the People, INI)EPKXDENCK OF THK COUNTRY I 2. Out Afcon*ideratk>n for the inher«nt i i)fht« and preseiit opiniona of the nat've populatio)i. we demire to retain the j independftni-e of the Country antl defettd it» autonouiy, umter a ltberal and popo- ! Ur form of governim*Bt; butour TnN»tie» wiUi Foreign Powen, and ye«peciall with Uie rnited States of Au»erk», Hiiould be revimi» ao a«to bett«r meet prwent nevew«itie« an<l to nbtain more e<)uiUM«a»h*aatafMi in exchange of thoe« j granted by us. . JU.WnARY RKFORMM a. Our Judiciary *y!itt»Bi attd Code of l*r<H e«lure ituie*t he i«ulMnitted to a thorough revi*io»i, eoan to ne«'ure a eheap and pna»pt atlmiitistmttoii of jtuaiiv free of all mvtlfialt or pati*an npirit • tt<l to < render thf Judjfet« nmiv direvtly rw»-

I pousible to the People ; anU we ar« in , | £avor of a jnor« iiberal interprgitation 011 1 Constitutionai goarantee« of the freedom ! | of speech and the preM. ! TAXATiON .. ■. ■■ . ■ ■ | | 4.A more jast and perfect Bygtein 01. ! T&xatk>n most be inaugurated, toabo. I • lish the preeent inequalities, by ! the property ei the poor ie exceseively ! ' taxed, while mueh of ihe rich man'fi gooda are under>\-alued for aaeeeBia#nt' or entirely eeeape taxaticn; we shal! | therefore deman<l the paeaage of lawa ; that will more effectually subject Ihe ; ? property of corporati. ns and rioh Htizens to their juet proportion of pubKc burden». while «ranting more liberal ' I exeniptions to the poor; and a» a mean» |of dispuraging the īocking up of large t racts of uneaUtiv»ted lands, a ditferenI tial tax should be levied in addition to the ueoal a«sesBmenf en valuation.whlch shonld be in proportiori to the fertility crf the w>il. Weahall alao favor th« eetablishment ol a graihiatoMmx>me tax, and thu« expect to obtatlrample fuiide for conducting the government ami at|ending U all necees.iry puhlk* improve> ment« H itho«a any further calls on tlie manuen. " MONOH>LIES 5. We ehall uw» our iffortn to ol>tain lawi» by whieh al! favoritisin in ti>e emment and alt monopolie«rtru*ta atid pri\*ileges to «peeial elaa**»» t>l>ali )je remleml imponeille, by fnll, detijojte> and man«iatorv Btatute«. I»UBUC BERVA3«TB. 6. Better !ashc»uld regulate the (,'iThe principle of tl»e >tection of nftkvni of the< gnvernment by tho people shott!d be eetabtished. and «m> inaa «hou!d be al!dwed to lu4d n*ore than oue of proflt, whllat «l«riee «houM be ad*.|uate compeumitt<m for thei«rvices remlered. All excemiive «a* !ariea *hould be miiH'e»! «iml all eine curee or titiperfluous tfticea aholi»hed. Tl> HOMK INI>rsTHIKS "• We are in favor nf eucotiraj|tng iltī Jt<mte asrnrn!ture attd tndtvMrtet. andali mui nativc prMdtu-U, like rU-*s

I' , wool. tobam>, etc. ahonkl be urol«etod andfosterf>d by}»roper tariff regnintlea; 1 and «too it moet be the doty of the Govi meet| in ito contrsctB u>d other oper«* | i'oni, to give preference to naUonal proI IX)CAL BKLF-U<»VfiRNMEKT ' 8. We deeire i nora libenit poiicy U* ' warde the different |eiandB ol the Kinr dom, outeide of Oaho; they should receive a fairer proportion of the pnhlk mom*yB for the dev«dopnientof theār re9onrree and tfie Batisfaciirn of their wanta. In fact, the principie of loea>, Self-g6vernment ahpoid be extoiuied f whereby fiving locatitiea msy ehoeee the moat important of their loeal execntive oileew, and levsr taiee for the parpoee I <al imtirovementB#V'pibjic natnre. PROTECtiOX Tl> THE LABOURINU CLASBgf9 W. We ahall endoree ai! meattire tondinc to improve tlie oondition of the and voneeq<}Mitly t vitbout injoring any vested rifhts, we vf)l advooito lavB to pre\vot all inither lmportation or empioyment oI eontract* iabor of anv kind„ npon conditioM m iil bring it into a mlnone and , degradlng rompetition * ith free Hawai ■ ian or whito labor. We *lia)l abo. in j tlie intere»t of the bettor orptectton oi ! tite poor % a«k for mo*v iiberai exonptiott of their pro£*rly froni foneil M)e on ex ecatk>n. and from aeinre ia t*nkruptcy proreeding. HMALL FAEMVNCi AND lIOME STKADB. Id. T|iea'ealthy frartkm of our popnia* ( •iou have hitl«»rto prevented thedeve)op> ment of an iiidepe»*ent elnM oI (liinee; "ilh> puhlH* Und« hav* been neqitlrwi and have been tied up in a few hande or i«nvilel t«» *uit and nnl farnN»r» and i4nntm bave heen dnven >nt bf eofswirationa or rontoatk>M ol cat»itali»trt bot ae maTi imnakm ia eon* iucive t«the Ptahilitv ol the fHnte» lt |w* eiiceura«e«l bv a ne« and no».lihf r»l H<mM«ni »rti lnr vhrk the own*»r«hip of Mnall tr»ct* ol lami an<l tW i«efl!ement th«reou dt (awlliw *>f onr prv*f iit aqfl wpwiali 'v tht» iialiw ilanaiian» |rlu» » V

been left hometeea in thereeotm> ! 1 H randeted poee.Ue. To I {thatend, tln|Qov«raa«Bt and j lande, (in eo fer ae oam be doae withoot j invadtng ) shpold bedevotand eoalanwl ipoa ntth«i I free ol taxe§ for a H»itod penod. It sbould be the f nrther aamot fofnm* to, at >nce, eo far improve the meana ol trankport« tioa t —loeal, aatkn* : al and intornattonal t ---na to provide, in all the dieiricta t ehanp meana ol convey- ' • ing the predncjt of tbe aoil to market. " F<LECTORAL IUHUT. ! 11. We hold. that npright and honeatt manhood. amt not the poaapaeion of ( j weSa«th, arbKwtty fixed, ehonid conetsr L the right to vcte ior naweHaeī ! repre§entativea, and no nore power ahonMhe accoidedtothe bn!lot<4the) rich m%n than to the balk*t of tbe j ; poor man. The diecrimination in fiavor ! I ol wealth now made in onr Conetitntk« 1 l> eentrary to ill the eternal prinr\p!ee} Hght and inUlee andmnet beahoiieli> l ed. T6 thie #nd, we will lav»r a ievel* : ' ing ol the praient di**in«ftlon of wealth I and elaaaea whieh bl«nieh onr lawa ' kwith reipect oithe right to voto for no> hlea, therehy raetoring to the native \ | HawaUaae whieh pehaia to j them in tMr own mntry, and of whkh they l«ave heeii nafnetlv deprived. 1 INTERKAL IMPSOVKMENTB 11 We favor the ex|ieadltnre of eitt>: (iMt aaa» to aacare a aniaber of aeedvd pnhlie improwetents oaOahn and ether ! lehMida; aehool, milmaēi and harhoro , aa*l whnrvee,J pahHe light,aad nlana thoraa§h ayitoai of wwnnlie aad wator*worha, eot oaly for Hoaolnln, bnt UareadH»ntth|ec*her lelamla.