Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — The Member for Baldwinsville. [ARTICLE]
The Member for Baldwinsville.
The addM-I*ted editor of lbe Adverli»er findā an 44 ao3Usinp il* luBtration r ' of whai he conoeivw to b* K a Lk<>*B change of editors, hd(| stoopb In Ihe vu!garity of printinp the name uf Mr. Cv W, Ai«hforct hh the M Uglitening ehange »riiKt H of Ka Lro. lt nifly poothe the Ail TertiscrB ".-nerveg to l>e ai»Knreil, that the gei4tleman whom tlu- Ad» vertii*er Wi»ul4»dffanio hy it? eoutemptal>le inenliun. i> not ihe author of the nrticl« whieh ttppearod uo the lGth headed /whaiia io a name" or of any other article in Ka Lbo. For the benefit of tht trovbied editor of the Advertieer. sr i-epniU tb« i>amgraph from wliieh be qaotes» eatim: "Mr. Baidwiii'a piwilll mrmNrr Ba1«I* wkgßofk fkoi»Pr«ttQti B«)dwiii*a ttiiiit* wiii no donbt m«S*l «orning WMHMI MOne ltt«iS'lw<MUM(aa>rd(« U to
niee nbout borroiring new as be eouiel in 1887/' , We would like to an? #ane man outside of the Adv«nieer ?anctuin. or tbe Lunatic Asyluc3, 'who wouli sup|K>Be fbr a momenl ! thai the above quotation eo&]d rs» fer to "poor Mr. Katana" wiio wae not in tbe «eenonof 1887 or any otber aeaaion, and whpm 3ald* win openly oppo§ed uniil he foundi hiaown hired noaiinoe had noahow. Tbe 44 Jekyl-Hyde" »art of t|» •* toal drama oooaislod 5a Baidwiii adoptiiig tbe Yeritabl« eMea of the peo|»2e at hia ©w&, and lamo* diately procecd2nf to kill Hāi» ku calf for Kaleaa and giv«Q Mm a new name aad a nā&m play on. Wben we ae*t piot«ir«ga Baldwinnville ox we will inscribe under it "tbis is ao os. >9