Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 390, 16 Pepeluali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
JrWCURY KEFORMB 10ur Jwliciary a»d OMieet Proeeiim aaßt be e«bttiUed to a tbor» ****** **ier the ver pesriMeeethe Heple; aad we afe Ui laver ela aefe Übtti4 {&tt;pretaHea e( OoMlllelknal «[aanaieee elthe teeeiee el wpMgb aad tbēp>eee! TAXATiaN U awi jeit aad perlect >yilm ok fbiatte Kttet beia»efafal«d« teab». Ueh the pieeea'i bgrw)dck tbe preperty el the peer ie emeHeetr taied, whUe aiesb el tbe rkb K*»*e geede are «&*fcr«valaed ier eeeeneMOi er eatin»Jy e«cape «umiea; we d»ll tkei«iNt deeeepl tbe peasage el lawe that w»lI »<kre ««ibject tbe preperty et <«rfrerattc*e aad rkb ct%K aeMtetheir peepeniea el peblk bardeae, while «ie&tiaf u»>re libecal 16 the peer; and ae a*eeM el tbe ieekia* np el lai«e tmcteof ka&ds« a diflfe«eftliai tat eheeM WI«W ia additk* le Iheiwua) eeeeeeewai <h» valoat>oß v wbkb •heiiM be la Mpertfc* to tb« lerttUty ofUte MQ v Wiihall aiee ie\xir tb*«e» a frtuuated aad tbeeeapevtto eHate aenple faade fer eeadottiaf tb* f»maaM*t aad at* ieedlaf «e ali aice*»ary pabiir iĀprw«e* OMati witboat aa> !artbtr the
lft««b?wbkb aU mH Udvileio« to eaeeīal' £§aasa* «MĪ'IE? rQ*āim& *»po«BiWe, ?KOTECTIO!C tu aon* ts» DCraOKS 7. Ve «re in ime el V hom* agnc»Hare a&d 111 ilmiil > lmiii_ n iiiiilHĪW our nAtiv6 prodiiets, iOpi wool. tobteeo f ete. be pnkM^' and todmd bf aadaieo it ®«eft I?® the <tasr 4f tfe»«s* BM4it t ia its «mtf*cta md «t)s» tios«, to give prefatawc to wtW—l duete over lmi»orted 0»e8. LOCAL *ELF *(K)VE8D(B8I' 8. We d«iin a lAoaw liM pe&&4»' ward» the dillerent lfia*tds d tfea £3aggdo«i. outaido of Oali« ; thw aboal6*»» eei ve a fairer pr«|wrtie«* ©f tlm pā&* ■ aoaew for the eonrce« ftiul t|to oi iWr wauU. In lact» <rflaaā&> Self-gowßroent ebouid 1» niilii'iiiiiH. wli#rebv gi vins loealHie» auiy &&sm'<ām inipcrtjmt of tb«ir loaM es«ii# ofllcer», and t«xes f n lfiiii anii |i<wn i:cal inu>rcrem*nte of a iml#e ' PUBLIC *EBVA3T&. 6. Bttter law« shonkl ngeiftte tbe 13»vil 9ervice. Tbe priociple ol tta ti<m of otHcere 01 tbe gvremssm£ kf the people shou!d be esl&bliebed» m«o ehouUl be allowed to bofc> 3BM» than one effice of profit, «hilst sltouM be adaqcate <o«speMtiQm iar the sjurvicee reudered. Afl erccoailwwh I laries i>hould be rēduced ānd ais wam cqres or sui*rfluoua ofllee« iMiibel PROT£CTION TOTB£ LABOUBIX CLA$BfiS f>. We shatt endom il! īnnmiiwn teadi&c to tbe o»4itwa ef Wm w v rkingcias«fe, aud r <%*eq«*ittly,*tfe» out mjdriag anj v- t r£bfeft» isss aA. advocats lftws to p* it ill fartbv to> UfeofoT w^WiEll unkb wilHMri»f it ink> a nkow mM degrading conpetitk« wiO» frt» BmA ita or vhite kber. We ahall ak, m tbe iatvraei ofthe betlir tbe poor,aek fer a«nt Hberal imm&m ni tbeir »isyettj troa ioi«siaitM eeailoa. aad froa nii«Kiftkißkn||f procesdiag. 6MALL FARMI>'G AND HOXI sT£AI>S. ; I®. thewealtby ffacttoß «tfaarMnpfr ioa bavehitberte prrreoted fche mm&m mim if in inrtri|iiinilint e'mii nf elHiui. tbe poMie toēs baye Wia mmlmA mm bkve beea «M mp ia a fe«ritadft « naiceQed tt eaH frwitw, «g fartsersaada>a»>%m totUiAte eapMM: Wt a» aaaftB lnplßf|ft iaeHa lollm etabOitT of Ae St«K « noa)d yt w>rnntfftd * ac« «i atMa fiberal Bnmsstsad act, W «5 thts«aenUs ef tas& ti»ete al ■!. lIMMM IHJ^ «* ■Hw«i 55 '1 T —** Ai iTfrsT' KUenNUL BUHS; 11. We Md tkat brntm nMMMOS% UMI ul Awtidbe »NOi<dS7U^ a S^SfB» IKb avi tlya ta tbe yHft «( «a «IwaMiaiwaaiaia a«r OwNMa *csttaai? laall tbe efteraal prtpdHi vriwumtgs3E *&* tt ibt tsd, «t«i)l bm a )«a&» iaa af H»peseeat <litti»«tiaa ef a«l elaeese «kkii bftsaaieb e*tr )n» Witb reraect dthe ri*ht to vsfte Nr » b)«e> Umel? tseftotlat %» tba ss*w Hawa:iaae t*iYik*e% whieh pst*omaa tbeta in iWr owa ftaativ,ttM«t tbi tbey have beee oaicettr dapfive4. INTCRNAL IltrßOVK»£yr« W We bw tbe et|talit«t«f«ftHiW iwi to tecata a ataltr ef aeeM aaKie ie|*eveeealF ea<%Sa aad satar Islaa4»; «Hmol, tai}?mdb «ad batbaM aad «kama, pubhc i)gfet, mA tbta 1 tfco**«gb ijftM of nwiwiiii H j water*w»rfc*, ae« fee ifea*««l*, ** 1 ttrcmb«am ibe otbar ltlaftift.