Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 390, 16 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That tbe P. C. Advertisei says thmt the (N.K.) big OKE httDdred nohlea will not be in it.

That honeBt IriBhmen say trnthfallj that old Engiand used to §eod cutihroats and ecaJiwags to the Green lale tbere to lomeni diatorbanee. Hawiii Uke care.

That the oid īlkgimateB (Rdora 1887) eay: we did all the «tehief, bot poor little Dan elaiaw he <fid it fer C. 0. B. A Co.

That the Un moH for Fort Stmt people, ie eitber to Ueone a «*veyor or a Hwyer. There ia a dl«coant iii tfet orea*hiiig butinfw the eleeu

That it ie nnkind> quite *t\ for the P. C. A.. to go haek of the partr nerenip known ae Bowier-Ca»ile.

Tbat tft« Ihun i of tht MonnuiM, M*r Mt» kaha, eannoi he «uipamii for lov* iir t ««. Wiih the placid 4f Bay b«n«tih tht ob»mr, Aiid a whai*e»ing tehooott kyiiks off and on. th* v:*w it eiquisite]y nowieal. Tbe R4VOLOnd excursioo* Utr $hoaiil certtinly Uke it io, Lnmn a Bar rif«rd feoaa St IVter or Pain a a Peaīk at Kahaiuu eomea uext in u.agn;4cent tchoou-t;-y as a poim of <>fc*erration

»HfMriagMaoiim t» eatefe mort hmāk the cjoaif>g tesf«m of the L«gitlatare. V [:P#^

That traitors Cin never have a permanenOy tfigc*efai &Qn#fhg, as inataneed by the BnlleUn'B hig ONE htradredwotem (N. R. ), who went haek on their brother workThat Waa. Edmonds la n©t a noo -progreaaive conservative by any aaeana, but ia an equal rights man, and that Iheana fibei»Mam.

That there will he no more dividenda from Waiipanalo. Heeia and Kahuku, and as a Oummin event &einebody wiil helikeioah BS!ling v a raule s Weauae hia hind-aigbt ia mueh better than txia fereaight.

That Kaaukai wm Baldwin'a nomination in Makawao, againgt Kaluna the People'a candidate, and against Kamakele tbe Kalaiaina candidato. Don't count the ehiekena befere the*re batched, mine friends? I

That two nnnneial undertakers left to v'Bit Madame Pele laat week aml niake arranpements to cremate the defunct baroi»B and eno» nopotists as they fall on the wayside from the efifects ot McKinlev's non-Bngar«codted pilla. whieh i* verv bitter to!thoee acctuttoxn*d ta BweetB. ■ : .

Tbat the kagoe orgaiuaed to deport the A»|ifordB are well known and will onioubtedly receiY« a wam reoeption. wbeiH»ver tbey feel eoiirage ajfficient to trr tbeir little ba«tard game. It may end ae did tbe HUls pie-oie tbat wae tried on young Ga«par in Hilo. by a oonglomeration ojf aehool tes»cbers,ro«d bailderB» and |piratcs īn general, a few years back.