Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 390, 16 February 1892 — A Strong and Honest Government Needed. [ARTICLE]

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A Strong and Honest Government Needed.

it ;< .1 well-known fact, that the (*loveri»nient ōi H*Wftii been ilrirting. sinoe the days when that honest and good old Scotchman. R. C. Willie, held the heloi pf gt&te, from g*wl to bad and from bad to woi«e. Our government is;j 80 weak and so utterlv urprinci* i pled now, that a respectable man woukl not consider himself honortd by any with it, un* lees it would be for the eelf sacrificin« pbjeet of' effecting a change for the beiter. The adminiBtration of the afTairs of the country for yeare back. exoept io mdividual caaes« hae been based upon a gysteai of party a©prandUement at the expense of the general we.iure. The public revenues have been made to serve the intenrBts of capitalists and lawe made to fo«ter monopolie§ and to encourage a eemi-m* tem of slaTery. Ever? new administration seem to ihink that the only ?hject they have in view or duty to perform i® to help iteelf and ita Bupoort«rf, without anv qualms of eoneeHinee ae to how the thm« i8 acoolnpii«hed. Erery ad« miniBtration seem to feel that thev were the laBt to admmitter Hawaiian a£fairs in ita preaent form of government, and like the honee to be vacated, every ooe of the familycompaet werej»iTileged totakewhat they conld, irmpective of principle or kndr, £to«d Uie aoon overtoned hoo»ebold. With all the risisBitudea the HmState h— paated throngh, wliile in the ban<to of nnprincipled administratort that have robbed her, the Natioe haa managed to Burvi?e tbe gen«iml plunder, reUin its autonomy as * aovereifn Btate, and maintain it# reoognition am<mg tbe poweni of the earth tbroogh thote who have had lea«t to dc with the d;sgraoetul management of htr affairK i. e., the aborigineee, withou; whom the countrv would have been abBorbed long ago bv the Powem that dictate the a£Tairf of tbe e«rth. | The time, however.. if itrawiri: nagb. when honest men. free from seh • oeft. «nd with a detern;ma* tion u. do rigl.t. are rtquircd t<» rt»«, toUte the flff>f Hnwaii nei. otherwi«« *he will becoroe a a»d a d«nger u> aII living on •oU, and will pnw into the bandB of

tbe stronger powm. Tfae capitalist and the l&boring mau eaoaoi *fford to allow favoritism to sway the dēBtiii!es of thi's countrv, and th«s bring ruin upon them. We t»eed to pre?«rve oarselves frora adrrinistrntive corrnptkm and from a perniriovii judfcial system, by a thorough renovation cf our fundaivjental la'w, without w.hieh there ean be no «ure j?uarantee of future jH»ace and proeperitv, or of eveo our independence under its present form.