Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 389, 15 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
O by
mlra£«B ftad«tter «^a^ tions, te gi ve piwieme» t© a«lfcawa pe» Ū)CALm^tiO¥|UnnS3ST ». We duli« ft am iibw«l ptMsf tedfiauoQtaideQ(Oriii; tk? Mi ««r - dif« iUnr nropni'ltoii «I fi» y>Mii momt« for th» (ImlapMnM Mr »> aonree« aad the M>U>ffcgftiu of lMr wat>to. h* £bk*, lfee pHaeipie sl loeni, B*fcfcggvarßßWt fee «Hw>W. wfaw>bygiviai kMmim» Mtych>w tfce MBt im|wrtftat o* tbdr loml «aeeolh» o<Beofe, iuid!eYrtaM te tbrpaf¥Ōoe l <*1 imi»roveaMßts ol * p«bjk Bat«i«. pubuc BEKrjurrs. *' tt. BcUerlawithbaM n«iriMet** O▼il «etvioe. The priacipte ol Um «*«. ti .« <rf offirara o( the |omMßt V «hot»id be eetahīinhiwi, »ad bo mitn «bonid be ollovtd to Mn than one «Anol profit, wiuial ealiīiai sbouM be atUqoat* eowipwi«atlwi ior rea<M. All«nwHbi»> iari«e ahoakl be rfldoc9t) and «U &iae c«res or aaperfluoas ollieea aboii»hfd. PHOTECTIOS TOTHK LABDtrBIN6 CLASSgf9 9. We shail endorae ail OMwaun tending to iiaprow the eeHHiiikm ol th» i workingciaf<w,ajKi reasM|ankt)y, without injuriof aoy veetod righta, we vft ' advocat» lawe to preveat all larther I»poriatioi! « eiaptoyatent «f contnirtfiabor ol v*y kind, npoai eoa&lioaa whieh vil) briag it into a niiaaua aad degrading eoa)petitioa with (nee Hawai iaa or whtle labor. Wa «hali aUao, m the interest oi Uw bcUer ufotac*āaß o( Tbe poor. aak fcr n»o«« li|ierai <T¥ei|īliaa proceediag. BMALL FARMINXi AND HOMB h"TEAI)K, 10. The weaithT !rartk»a pf o&rpof>tilaJon hwmluUmlo pr^tcdU»Mop> mont ol aa iadepeiKlrat eiaaa ol eiliaea*; the pnhlie lands have beea acqnised aad haw beea tfed np ia a fcw haada er p*rrelled to auit favent@e, aad aaaai tanaera aai phw»*» Jaw beaa ikiiea . i'apHaliaia; bnt aa naaiī lannia* *s ooaJttcive ta*the ntabilitv ol th« Btata, it ahonki pe eamra«ed br a new aad more liberal Moaacatead ad, bv vMi the owaewhip ol naail tmta vt laad aad the aenieaeat thereoa of huaUiea ol enr pwaem pmwlalkm, andeiyeciatt hr.ol Uie aative HawOiaaa who hav« beaa Mt ahMM hoaaoiwe in thewea«a-tfy-«hoa)d be readered that eadU the Qo\waaiwii aad Om eaa bBMfeaiv^^ ed aaaowi m t> hwiiK e' , *