Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 389, 15 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
TWI t)M NMIi li t» U )» mMM ljr Lao wMk y|wlai<rtlM MM «IHM «f UMUkank I
etrca^t^!l^B#w-1:; ler tiefc* had£»r wss Om mk Mop«hant St saek-««b. ] wribod That tb Haeivmm boas* that mam ol thosa \watd» two kssM mwek waa iait -2 - That qmte a mm wassnh«eribed by the Īmpa&ī* hmmm to th« <aa(wgQ fosd |or tl» olee* tion of the thW inrtant That Prinoe Archie w<md» ers it the suspfcioos weiiooner will oome and report to * the Custom H->uee horse marines. . That x)jwler and one horse 800lewan are to be appointed ushers on the> opening of pariiament, donH yer know t dresaed a la Kria go braugh in the ou)d proverbial style, be jabers. That hoUle cry will be; Look out for the train,and on his hat, hand LoU io Ut. Thatthrilefbi , m cani]mign d6īlars were drummed up prhieipallr by the ambiguous minister ami the ambiguouS lawyer and oourt admihistrator. | ;■■ ■' ■' \ -. ■■ ■■'■■-'■■ ■■■■:■- Th»t the K* Leo, is publisned I t»o says too mueh for the Bulletin; two dsys Dan.| That Hon J.i A. Akina esplains his thanks to his oonstiltoents through tbe'eolumns of Ra Lso. The patriarchB of the Garden Island, living in the Waimea District, 6ivors young Hawaiian. with "liberar' preKTjessive ideas. -■ - ' ■! 11 ■ ■ That Hon. |J. K. Kaunamano, like J.R.Bushj has not forgoi,that he was arrested by the Reform Adminietratioti m 1889, on some imaginary cojinection witn the Wilcox riot, and that that imaginarv charge whieh has never heen withdrawn, is a remlnder to him of the justice he may again expcct it that party is| iu tte aecendeney. That the Refbrm Cfab has crawHshed inlo a lobeter—and will he known hereafter as the Hemam* Von*erraht* Hawaiiaxw*. This neW species is the prodnct ofevolution and is eapaKe of a multitode of changes before it will reooh its finality lt sMds its shdl hmnially in the first week m February, when as a so& shell it ia edible, and poople makefree nse olit. That the Boes intendedto "wet M tt Mli C—lla> hut