Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 388, 12 Pepeluali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Tk*t never bef»et Uie &ativ«i says waetbey ever eemtt<&dns&ikeoo«es fae wae aroQiid eunumni' Wnte at Kaoeohe oa e!eetioa day.
That tbe free iiqoor and t&hm boreee oanied |tbedar fer tbe Keform Nobl«s at Eaneohe.
Tbat little D&& ie more eoaeemed aboat tbe Liberale kieking Uian tne Liberals are coooerned about hiaa—and wbat lbe BuJletin says.
Tbat when anyone wāois to talk poHtics to Bowler he appean wor* ried and tired-like and envioosty gazes at the nearest telephone post.
That stone thrower stone cf the Eleieappear» on the aidewalk as"if he waa dreai»inK abput glaae houaea, and on the straeto wearing a new ulster. and haa a far away look.
Tbat J. K. $. Williame was heard to command big Bob not to take i anv part whatever in the election of 1890. That later he worked all hinds of deyicea with the Booolulr Jobn KelJy (B) tr get Wi]liams on to the Mechanics U mon ticket.
That the Mechanics. and other foreign voters bave relieved Ka Lso of a seriou^rēs'ponBibi!itv—thought they wan;ed to retain the privilege of voting.—by leeseningtbe number of plural voters in two years henee and thus save the necessity for a change in the con&titution.
That it is rather paradoxicai for a pub!ic prosecutor to loudly eondemn a man.in court for th« forni«<' cation irouble % when he hixn6elf is in the «ame lipe of business; and paeke the iee crearn hooee with himieK. That fro2en beef and ' mutton wili Boon he b:*onght from AuBtm« lia. Full particularB of our % exorbitant rates go there to-morrow That Ben cj ie» and wili not be £omforted;«— ha« ālmo«t himselfinto a eolnmn of mist and sobB out kt | If 1 bad been beaten by anyohe eW it wouldnothaTe b(»eu so hard to bear;" That the Tiiuraton. Bo2der fac* tion represenU thē īll wiil of tbe peeple. Jas. .<5. Blaine wUI be po#ted in tiūae to e&chre tkir crook«d deei|ftis Th»t the lying oid lady of th« P % C. Admti«er i« out with * liat ol po)itic»i fcrce« e)ecUd. W« willwatch aaa waii and show a t diierent analysee by and br.
That a certaW Oolone) Steinher* irer oeuipe* the rights ofSimoane in 1875. He wm re»ov«d "nolew vo!en® n to AuokUnd. X Z,by H. B. M. S Earracouta. The mnchly}ifiraged Co!one) ?ought Amenean pro* tectton t at a and waoted da«age« in eoia fro» J, 8011.
ThatLot Kialulwa ia HewHelwlii|i||j|jO| eoU ftt in KamoN. Th*« tUBwr»Ur]r efai|{» Mlf —"H—)l i« foU of «Mh grasi«d..(Bo»hr Tk«wlii * Ok- . aot«thā'fr>a) Tk»t Hwi>j«hi ht*§" «l*o fntl of tkm.
Th*t iU*gittakt* H «Mnn#> w h P.e. Aii<w«i>ii t»w»«ar ia f»U. ~
Tiut *ick«d p*o|>b «y «■ *• ctt««t« tb«tS«BMrt T««»y IkWka W» (Hp o« tlult w)ir !>!>■<■«■ > bM r*luud.