Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 Pepeluali 1892 — Platform of [Illegible] HAWAIIAN NATIONAL [Illegible] BERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
Platform of [Illegible] HAWAIIAN NATIONAL [Illegible] BERAL PARTY.
vii£6rvfc*. Th» $rimty* *| tfee«***tkni ol ogbefg of fche by m«jft 6boaid be Rtkw«d to fe©y «©« ,yj^: harlis ahoahi-he- («Aaeeā -snA idl' <fci# wt)dißhfid. to mm£ r> -, obimm 7. We ar» la lmr <rf «noo«ragiiig ail <mr nativ« pee&eie, ooām^ wooi. tobaeovetc. a^':MeiN&^ ;^ H «< tlw<io7le ]nnfuiwuu> to 4aetB om kep»M m, lA>C.VL B£LF-<lO¥EimXinr H. W« <Mr» i aon tswardethed&mit tfce Khir dm.oiM(ifQdiß; ltef Ml r#* oeW* afeif«r af pAHi w»re« a»4 tl» waate. Ib oliw*!, Hiil iwnrww> Ml W eMaM, whetehy*gfo&egtnnit!Heii ma| Jii«w tfc» mo«t lmportwit of tliw loe»J oSc©pb, aad levy tMM ln i» p«pn PR()TK<TROS TUTHi^LABOUfcJKU OLAHS£@ , ». We ahall «*&*«* ail mnm temUag tmpt&ve tha e*mā&tem of tba werttagcieB9»%*y «eaee%aMty, wftfe*<Mftiaieri»g«&y **Bfed «e wil! k«i'to|iM«H tteHirte« p«rlaMi «r mik&aymm& <rf «ntaet> h*er of a&y M »p<m coe#timi» wbk*> H ml9 a nOaaae aad •-1 .^,—II '%ā\' "" - - ■ J -"- • -•■ ••• • -*•** •■-'• - - +m~. i' »••- •■ VfHt INI S«tßt MNiarwbil» tater. We M alnn m iha iitmA of tb Mr paMon of th« poor, aak #0r taop* Ufec*tt! of their p9prty froai fa«sad s®l© 06 ex •enlioa, aad freat mfamt ia ta&ttspts? pvor«Mlnf. BMAU. FARHU9a .%N!l HOMII STEADB. 16. Tln» weaUhy (neiioa «I onr Mm have hiliierto preventedthr develepineni oC&n tixk&mēm%ctem el dtkew9; th* tmbiie htdl h«i« heea eeqtiiywl ead fyave heno tied «p in a few haeda or P«ve!led te eaii fav«ntn. a»d wmk hutm*t* «Bii4«Rtm lam hee* dvivea est H7 eoipoieiKMie or wwMmHwi ef capfteiiefes; het ee flßtil feratfa§ a eeal«rfv« tothe state4litv d thelkate, »t uhemki pe encmiir<t£ed b? » «eer eedaiore Hberal Hoaiesieed arU W wheh ihe ownenhip o? «mel! tv»rte el la»d wd tbe saUkfiieiit thereoa e< *»*»»*— o! our pment popaiat!oa.-~aadaqpedaii . Ily of the native Haweilai» who haw heen >ft ahaeet hoaieiea* Ia th**eeē&a~ try-dioitki he veadered MMhMe, ¥b that end. the Ooveraaieai e*i! Oewa lainh». (io ao lar ea eaa he«£aatMrithtait iavadts« ve#teā H@ht« > ihouki he<kwe» edeesooa ee neeeihle to hoeeama*, «fad eeaiarf«d it|«oa he»lMt eeillwe hwe Af taxee lor a !iaiited kM . H rhonld hethe v forther tta ei pan>. eieni to» at oiw, eo far iaiprove tha mma» o( tra>umoK' tioa,«-4oeAl k al am! inlenieuoiiel, —w to pro?Ufet ia in« the ]wodeil of the eoi' iaaile«t. KLK(Tt>RAL RiH<iT, U. W«* hoh! that aMighteai hwml a>aahood % aad not Uko Kaaake ol j»ee!th, erhitrar4iy fiyjgd« ahoali eaaehiSPlpttoT«<« fe? uohlee ae weU ea emi no aa» aemr ahoiihihe tm \b% helloteltha nrh m%n ihaa to the heilet el tfc» pooi mao* The 4iarrimieaMoii ip h«a ol weelth 4 iiow nedp in oar OwielMa : e roetfory ♦«* a!i the et«rael pHaeMa of rifht eiw! j«wti<w aad meal HaheWA <h|. To thh> end, w*< wil! hvw a !ovai» iae ol t)a |Nrvecot d weaŪh aad eleeaee whirh hhwiiah oar lawe with neaiw i«4 ihe ri*ht to vute fer aa> bke, therehy neionae t» the aathre Hewaiiaae pivil««eee whk-h nnHh Io them ia thelr owa m««tft, anaol whieh thcy havh haea anittethr deaHve& INTKRXAL mrBOVKMKKT£ !S We lavor the expead!*nre el «•> deat «aiae to e«rarea aaaihee «I aaaM aahile hapifwaeat» eat!ahn ead elhae mmda; a<M* reitmadi aad harheta jj»Wic l^MnUhia IhwKī^*U«e ethw liiiSh