Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 Pepeluali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
i1 " ■ Tbai M«ttj)on htR ekteted m plaee of Horner That tbe Hilo polioe were giveo to undmtafM! whieh way to vole. That Nawahi disUnced his eom* petior ( Ryerbft. t«o to one. | ~-... .. *. That Congr«BB will »ot h«ar of any whiehu benafitB oire white man k> 99 coo)te&. Thmt ABf)ford, Neumaan. B«sh and Wil«ox, are undoahtedly ander obligations for their rjbettons to th« P C. A'a bitter oppo»ition to tb«oo a? candidsteb for the I,egi*. iatun*. I Thut Mr. ftoolewan rfgrets tak* inir the part i.hat he did in poliUea, and excua«*a him9#lf on the groui»d that waa carried % away by one of JohnnioV penorationa on tbe sufforiti£ poor ia the o«ld (v»untbr>', hy jabers! That fios«* lk>wler. orator. and hia pals of tlie Kxecotivp Commit* tee of the lleehanioa Union, ean now e*timat4 the number of vote* they oarried in thoir pocket»n That Q & Co's proapeotA for the ltoad SuperviBorahip is as far away frōra theirnriiap as tt wa< two yeara »j»o. That Colturn'p appointment on the Board of Health is weil recei\*ed. We hope he «?ii! be more heimane thau hi* nolldagues have ahown in the pARt two years. That ont of 10 votoa for Repre» s*entatkve» iu the aeeond preeint first Wr«L i'onrtt!en were for the Liliemi tMndtd:«to. and thia »ahoot the averagr 1 hronghout the group. That J K ekipi htid a diāerent opinion ah»ut tbe conatitution when he wae a candidate for Kohala Ma|piife iu $7. That the med of our plantara in joining the * k Bugar truat n in the Uuited Hlalaa haa not been «ilwH to by theirj haiupioiia; Williama» > and othera.