Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 Pepeluali 1892 — THE THREE GUARDSMEN. [ARTICLE]
T . '■ ■ i i . I KiewW wilh SmNgfrlerM, l>oring th<* lnttor parl nf fa«t mofi(h ii»formfttion eame t/> i/an<l aml uiaccd with tho 4M]Btoir.? authorit««. lhat a ito«<les<»npt' cr«ft had !and <i a largo quantity of the pni*liict of t)ie at Waiana6. This infarmntion wt the ctustotii*l nftieial» to «ork. anil a m*ip tPftni . waa altampted in onlor to scoure the odinferaus swag Tli« work waa ftill r#f danger, and ri?t (o lifo and lintiVi t a fact well known to the Prinee» who is in conimand of our port o»Ticulj'. With th<« coopcnetion of hi« »hle a*«i*t*nt. tho Biv>tti«h (?hi«*f wa9 ennblfd to p*cur* thw»e of th® bnr* v«t of his ffu&rdg—men not eaaily f*cawHl bv any w|nare, fiat or round faced mariner or Rpmtual motiqt*r that *»v«'i Aulic«Ht <>n «*arth or wan* d«*rfd (H'cr th«* hriny df>*o.Th«H» «ien nvrt* Willi#, H|ppr and Charky. Willie and Harrr arcfrom over the darkhluc aea.and Ob«rley from aoro» the w*ter. Rach offiMie m*n, «re men of mind and nwrve. attd thelr oxplo;ts would HU iltrgv «ise *ol« uae> for whioh rwoa> we have
' dubbed three gtt&rds?aaa. ; Havi?jg receiv<xi their emiimMim ; ;; ; ■ ; raeet|ii«BWfpMicies. Th«ytapj>cd < and fta®f>led good3 W tlie&i pwiiip» M<t 'iBNĪI) alom» and 3a#ks &r iraoiediate nm tn eaae of a a&rprise. Tbe lrb «In as joiiy ējbā*w ilolaa «m U&Ommi&kl on so unfertaking as tfeem on this ooeiMiki». Tbey w«re hill of sptHts aa tfeey satile4 fbr tiie l«if nT tbe at tlie Wai%nae HilU, »nd the* M«kal» b)s«k. The resuit of|Uie MiaMoo to Waiaae in the intefest of the Customs Oepartoaent aad geod name of tte commnnity tnded >n a retc*at, a rspudtatBd I. O. U. From tlMi evideneee€ tbe numW of ei|purMl«a and dead marin*s,the sianghter of ?mugglers must have beea great spirituouslv. If eve-droppers had been near> the yarns they wouid have heani, would no doubt have out«done Munchaosen or the latest Custom Houae shark story.