Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 February 1892 — FINANCIAL. [ARTICLE]

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"■ ' 1. . The great iiee<i of th« pe<ipic iu | this eountry i#< eapiUl. It i» • tho |āanie in every ocuntrv. and' it is |tiio chief disa 7 «ilitv :hai oreato? eoI «'ial •lisooTiteht woli-nigh uuivemftl ; tlie world ov?r. And 4*omplaint from *»v«»ry rank in lifo, from the npulent a» woil frwn the jMK>r. In the reaiily of iife allmen tnuj*t work for a liv»]!liōod and jtrtuj*t. t.urn a!i their ar<>oni]iiit»h- -| ments phvßioal, mentul or tuoral to !tho work <»f provi<iing for their ' < , onifort« and or»joyments. U>nr pnno?|Mil wantB are matori:»l ! iyaut£'a*id th< re i* l»ut one, niain j ajr'Mit— tnoney. ,4 Men lo »k ahroad iaoil »e« thc evid«'nce of* n+m\ opuat.d they eoine to. the eon,vlu«ion that eanilal i* ahUndant. I They are apt to ihiiik. therefore, rthrt there n? privation only borauM īwoahh tp uno<)ualiy or »injurtly ; <listribuUMl. Hut .th»\v oouid not ltake a tnore erroneou»> vmw. Th« lapparentIapparent ftbundfti«ce i» oniy a re*i

euH of oonlrast. The wrorld. after all its c(Tort renm)ns almn&i ineon..Qpivtbly" |MM>r. Oi vide all the wealih of Englan<i equa!lf among the people of the reaim and il wij! Rive to eaeh person, aecording t» tne latest attainable data« the equivale»t of about $1000 in BMHiey. l>ivide the wealth of the United Htates in the same manner, with our large inimigrant oopuki* tion, and it is weli know that ihe aiioiment to eaeh pert >n wo«idbe| even leas, or soroething more than $900 in money. In Franoe the re- > aulU of a diviaion wiii drop to about #700 per capita t and in C»er* many it wou!d fal| to $500. Over the rest of the world v wiih tbe exeeptio% perhaps, of some of the minor induatrial Rtates of Europe, tbe mulie of a diviaion would be even less fruitful. and were the divisroo niftde for aii i-hristendom we wouid have to be content witb about $250 or $300 for eaoh pereon. C&n we say in the face of iheee fācts, whieh are statiatical and sufāeiontly accur*te for ail the purpoaea of oorrect inductk»n. that the world is opuient ? The want of eapiial estops all progrm and depriveB peopie of the power of producing inoome. It is an urgent want from whieh the whole worid suflfer and ihe evidenee of it is ,on ev©rv hand. Were it possibie to obtain aii the camtal requisite, tbm wouid undoubtediy be wny jeoled enterpriseB in these is!ands that wouhi gi\*e empbyxsent to a large po§mlation of skiiled and un*skiiied labor at good rataa of eompensation. But every merchant, roanufscturer, »nd agricalturigt know» that money in aiooonia equal to all his needs is never mi* ly obtaioe<l on terma that he is abie to ineei, and that he ts often unable to obtain it o«i any terms, Everv workmat> »hoold know, too, that he would never be subjecte<i to an hour of enfbroed idlenm were it not the inabilitv of socalied capnalists to obtain cdpital. The difficult> meets men at every turn. It *:onfronto the rivl» ae well A 8 the poor, and it hgngs like an ineuhuH on every raiHnf>station of enterpris<\ Tt » truly the world?s pnmal rurso. I T > be.<.-V»ntinued.