Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 Pepeluali 1892 — A SCARE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We bear that tbere ie a ixsove* ment under way at Poliee Heidquarter« of jswearing in a body of «peeial poiiee. we also bear tbat tbig movemeot is received by a wy namer(Mu nujoHty of tbote approached witb an indigoant reAĀal, oause <if relbaal. and tbal wbksb is the pnneipal matter of suspic ; on, is tbat tble moveiaent ie coacbod cbiefly by by tbe iaie Road ftu|»rYkir. aiul tbat he i* onlv trying on a worn out rnse Uiat lift« been played before on j a t?eak ministry for tlw purpose v#f ) retaining bim in offiw. Tbere are i peoph' in the commuuity who have i.diMseriiment H»fficient to see jt,brougb such schemes. and that the tbat the movemeht is so coldly j reecived ia cvidence in itseif tbat * law abi<ling commuulty are awakeniiig to tbe motivcB of Bejfi*b and ] | unscrupulnuB partijrans.' The dime : nove! scare has Ven *o mueh lon the »urfaoe of latc tliat all dei wntly inclined citi2en.' 1)av" had a surfeit of thi? H«;hbaril-\Vil*on j bu^ir»#*ss—r*ot even fX'»'ptiiig j with hiB :'nv'nr»ib?ts ; thrūwn in.