Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 February 1892 — Astonishing Reconciliation. [ARTICLE]
Astonishing Reconciliation.
| PolūieH mak«- .-=iranKc he<i-fflnows —-so they Bav, and we hftlieve it i« true, for we now see Thurston try- ' ing to get into hod with Macfarlane, the author df tne Finance Roport jthnt scored Thurston mo»t immerjciful!y at the Jast sr*sion. Mao I wa* als« one of a large party who | made the chief slogan of their eam- [ paign,—Hown wiUL.Thurston. Doea ,' ho tiow invite Thurston to get into hod with him. or is Thur§Um trfing to g<|ueei!/in. Ma« wisa natighI ty l>oy and a!lowed JOC tolurehim awav from the fold that hae adopte<l him. Ii is a nsatter of eunoui ir»tereat to note whether Thurgton wiil .Muccessfully lure him and his ; H«sociateß on to havc their identity i swallowe«l up bv thn raviihing wolve* of the nji?si« .. rv - reform den. * '