Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 Pepeluali 1892 — The Advertiser. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Advertiser.

It īh i:niortu!iati' for tbe jx>litieal j BttaatioTi itore Umt Ihe leading j ih;w9 jotirnal of ihe ootintry f?Honid j harr iu» p«iliticat poli«}' so badly mbtniflnag6d. Thc Advorti»er b%g| a Jarge ein ulalion and is wi»ieiy j r«ttd. at)d ?»aiirrai!y liah ron>«ider-' āI»U iu inould!na; puhlie ! opinion. L nder oover of the edi I torial <l we" thc pc-rf»ona!ity of the* etliton« ia iost »ight of, and whn! i appeapp in print, has an- origihal | charartor of hi* ow i ihat *hag great j pow»»r for go<»d or for mis<ln« i f H! i* therefore a puhlio mis?briun« 1 when men of narrow idea* gain the puhlie ear Ttnder oover of a new?jwiper« "we" a» is the ca»e with the Advertiw»r at preeent. Tli:it paper i ha« Mico<*ed*d in civating a uuxld!e < out nf the political qucntion ftud I h:u« not letl pulille "pinion juili- [ eioual/. ftfl writerf» evidontly tnovo j in īi very oontrarte<l of t rhiHive itnd i:ot boing in Hyuipathy with the com?ntinity at iorgcv or ondeavoorini: hy |»erBonal to di*oovt>r th" drift! of puhlii* Hontnnent, thev are in* [ r.omp<»t<'ut to dir<H t puhlir opinion ! and :ire mort? Jiabi»» to hiundor; in <l<»ing so Ā jonrnni odit<Hl a;? • the Adverti«t»r in hv m« n who nrgj not iiiftou:cfi with th« varfr>nw ela<>-| Bch and Hementß ot f»*ir Pociety is I an uugafV» Rut<l:'. Thf* Admt!ser it»; read« ®ud i?« r»»uds r$ are:*<ielud«»d'J. by its to-he-»»xjK?<'t<»tl niigreprt*āt'n-! Uliona. But if the uld man r,n:2; theyoung man «.f the Adv»rtf«vrj were to exhii»'t thftn(*eh*vrf to thoiri r®adera, Mt the Music Il ill. ah • th« aulhow ut the editorial utter-j

|ano.w. and"the people were to l<|K»k I atvfht>ni k exnnnne.them. an<l !isieii ■:-lo their }>uritanic drivelinB, no ! d»»uht thi- < urtain would W ri)ing (1 >wn on a disinal failnre.