Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 387, 11 February 1892 — Page 4

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This text was transcribed by:  Kt Olson
This work is dedicated to:  Awaiaulu


John E. Bush.

Luna Hooponopono a me Puuku.

THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1892.



            The great Chief who is the father of Tammany and Boss of the so-called National Reform Party (controlling about 100 votes) is extremely busy devising schemes of legislation which he will instruct his troupe of five Nobles to introduce into the next Legislature for the benefit of the great Reform Party that lent him their support.


The Bowler-Castle Faction.

            The Advertiser persists in referring to the Liberal Party in contemptuous terms as the Bush-Wilcox faction, but without rhyme or reason in doing so.  With better consistency, we may refer to the aggregation which commands the Advertiser’s fond admiration, as the Bowler-Castle faction.  For it was Bowler the Boss who nominated the winning Noble ticket, and it was Castle of the Advertiser who deluded the people of Honolulu into voting for it.  Ye Gods and little fishes!  What a combination!  Bowler and Castle, oil and water, pharisee and @dler, prayer and curses, Purit@ and sinner.  Viva Boss Bowler@ viva scribe Castle, and viva Bowler-Castle faction, by which title we will continue to dub thee.


The Advertiser.

            It is unfortunate for the political situation here that the leading news journal of the country should have its political policy so badly mismanaged.  The Advertiser has a large circulation and is widely read, and naturally has considerable influence in moulding public opinion.  Under cover of the editorial “we” the personality of the editors is lost sight of, and what appears in print, has an original character of his own that has great power for good or for mischief.  It is therefore a public misfortune when men of narrow ideas gain the public ear under cover of a newspapers “we” as is the case with the Advertiser at present.  That paper has succeeded in creating out of the political question and has not led public opinion judicously.  Its writers evidently move in a very contracted circle of exclusive society, and not being in sympathy with the community at large, or endeavouring by personal intermingling to discover the drift of public sentiment, they are incompetent to direct public opinion and are more liable to blunder in doing so.  A journal edited as the Advertiser is by men who are not in tough with the various classes and elements of our society is an unsafe guide.  The Advertiser is read, and its readers are deluded by its to-be-expected misrepresentations.  But if the old man and the young man of the Advertiser were to exhibit themselves to their readers, say at the Music Hall, as the authors of the editorial utterances, and the people were to look at them, examine them, and listen to their puritanic driveling, no doubt the curtain would be rung down on a dismal failure.


Astonishing Reconciliation.

            Politics make strange bed-fellows—so they say, and we believe it is true, for we now see Thurston trying to get into bed with Macfarlane, the author of the Finance Report that scored Thurston most immercifully at the last session.  Mac was also one of a large party who made the chief slogan of their campaign,—Down with Thurston.  Does he now invite Thurston to get into bed with him, or is Thurston trying to squeeze in.  Mac was a naughty boy and allowed JOC to lure him away from the fold that has adeopted him.  It is a matter of curious interest to note whether Thurston will successfully lure him and his associates on to have their identity swallowed up by the ravishing wolves of the missionary @ reform den.



            We hear that there is a movement under way at Police Headquarters of swearing in a body of special police, we also hear that this movement is received by a very numerous majority of those approached with indignant refusal, the main cause of refusal, and that which is the principal matter of suspicion, is that this movement is coached chiefly by by the late Road Supervior, and that he is only trying on a worn out ruse that has been played before on a weak ministry for the purpose of retaining him in office.  There are people in the community who have discernment sufficient to see through such schemes, and that the fact that the movement is so coldly received is evidence in itself that a law abiding community are awakening to the motives of selfish and unscrupulous partizans.  The dime novel @ scare has been so much on the surface of late that all decently inclined citizens have had a surfeit of this H@bbard-Wilson business—not even excepting Joe Emerson, with his invincibles thrown in.




            The great need of the people in this country is capital.  It is the same in every country, and it is the chief disability that creates social discontent well-nigh universal the world over.  And complaint comes from every rank in life, from the opulent as well as from the poor.  In the reality of life all men must work for a livelihood and must turn all their accomplishments physical, mental or moral to the work of providing for their @ conforts and enjoyments.  Our principal wants are material wants and there is but one main agent—money.  “Men look abroad and see the evidence of great opulence, and they come to the conclusion that capital is abundant.  They are apt to think, therefore, that there is a privation only because wealth is unequally or unjustly distributed.  But they could not take a more erroneous view.  The apparent abundance is only a result of contrast.  The world, after all its effort, remains almost inconceivably poor.  Divide all the wealth of England equally among the people of the realm and it will give to each person, according to the latest attainable data, the equivalent of about $1000 in money.  Divide the wealth of the United States in the same manner, with our large immigrant population, and it is well know that the allotment to each person would be even less, or something more than $900 in money.  In France the results of a division will drop to about $700 per capita, and in Germany it would fall to $500.  Over the rest of the world, with the exception, perhaps, of some of the minor industrial States of Europe, the results of a division would be even less fruitful, and were the division made for all Christendom we would have to be content with about $250 or $300 for each person.  Can we say in the face of these facts, which are statistical and sufficiently accurate for all the purposes of correct induction, that the world is opulent?  The want of capital @tops all progress and deprives people of the power of producing income.  It is an urgent want from which the whole world suffer and the evidence of it is on every hand.  Were it possible to obtain all the capital requisite, there would undoubtedly be projected enterprises in these islands that would give employment to a large population of skilled and unskilled labor at good rates of compensation.  But, every merchant, manufacturer, and agriculturist knows that money in amounts equal to all his needs is never easily obtained on terms that he is able to meet, and that he is often unable to obtain it on any terms.  Every workman should know, too, that he would never be subjected to an hour of enforced idleness were it not for the inability of so-called capitalists to obtain capital.  The difficulty meets men at every turn.  It confronts the rich as well as the poor, and it hangs like an incubus on every manifestation of enterprise.  It is truly the world’s primal curse.

            To be Continued.



Fiercer Fight with Smugglers.

            During the latter part of the last month information came to hand and placed with the customs authorities, that a nondescript craft had landed a large quantity of the product of the papaver somniferum at Waianae.  This information set the custom’s officials to work, and a coup d’etat was attempted in order to secure the odiriferous swag.

            The work was full of danger, and risk to life and limb, a fact well known to the Prince, who is in command of our port officialy.  With the cooperation of his able assistant, the Scottish Chief was enabled to secure three of the bravest of his guards—men not easily scared by any square, flat or round faced mariner or spiritual monster that ever walked on earth or wandered over the briny deep.  These men were Willie, Harry and Charley.  Willie and Harry are from over the dark blue sea, and Charley from acros the water.  Each of these men, are men of mind and nerve, and their exploits would fill a large size volume, for which reason, we have dubbed them the three guardsmen.  Having received their commission for this special occasion, they set to work to prepare themselves to meet all emergencies.  They tapped containers and sampled goods ad lib not forgetting to carry with them provisions and small stores, and flasks for immidiate @ in case of a surprise.  The trio were as jolly and as happy a lot as ever left the capitol on so perilous an undertaking as was entrusted them on this occasion.  They were full of spirits as they sailed for the lair of the smugglers at the Waianae Hills, and the Makaha bluffs.  The result of the Mission to Waiane in the interest of the Customs Department and good name of the community ended in a retreat, and a repudiated I. O. U.  From the evidence of the number of cigarettes and dead marines, the slaughter of smugglers must have been great spirituously.  If eve-droppers had been near, the yarns they would have heard, would no doubt have out-done Munchausen or the latest Custom House shark story.



            That Mattoon has been elected in place of Horner.

            That the Hilo police were given to understand which way to vote.

            That Nawahi distanced his competitor, Rycroft, two to one.

            That Congress will not hear of any treaty which benefits one white man to 99 coolies.

            That Ashford, Neumann, Bush and Wilcox, are undoubtedly under obligations for their elections to the P. C. A’s bitter opposition to them as candidates for the Legislature.

            That Mr. So@lewan regrets taking the part that he did in politics, and excuses himself on the ground that he was carried away by one of Johnnie’s periorations on the suffering porr in the ould country, by ja@ers!

            That Boss Bowler, orator, and his pals of the Executive Committee of the Mechanics Union, can now estimate the number of votes they carried in their pockets.

            That Q & Co’s prospects for the Road Supervisorship is as far away from their grast as it was two years ago.  Mahope.

            That Colburn’s appointment on the Board of Health is well received.  We hope he will be more humane than his colleagues have shown in the past two years.

            That one out of 16 votes for Representatives in the second precint first ward, fourteen were for the Liberal candidate, and this is about the average throughout the group.

            That J Kekipi had a different opinion about the constitution when he was a candidate for Kohala against John Maguire in ’87.

            That the greed of our planters in joining the “Sugar trust” in the United States has not been alluded to by their @hampions: Williams, Peterson and others.


Platform of @




            6. Better laws should regulate the Civil Services.  The principles of the @tion of officers of the government by the people should be established, and no man should be allowed to hold more than one office of profit, whilst @ should be ad@quate compensation for the service rendered.  All exe@ive @laries should be reduced and all @ @ures or superfluous offices abolished.


            7. We are in favor of encouraging all home agriculture and industries, and all our native products, like rice, coffee, wool, tobacco, etc. should be protected and @ by proper tariff regulation; and also it must be the duty of the Government, in its contracts and other operations, to give preference to national products over imported ones.


            8. We desire a more liberal policy towards the different Islands of the Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the public moneys for the development of their resources and the satisfaction of their wants.  In fact, the principle of local, Self-government should be extended, whereby giving localities may choose the most important of their local executive officers, and levy taxes for the purpose local improvements of a public nature.


            9. We shall endorse all @ tending to improve the condition@ of the working classes, and consequently, without injuring any vested rights, we will advocate laws to prevent all further importation or employment of contract-labor of any kind, upon conditions which will bring it into a ruinous and degrading competition with free Hawaiian or white labor.  We shall also, in the interest of the better protection of the poor, ask for more liberal exemption of their property from forced sale on execution, and from seizure in bankruptcy proceeding.


            10. The wealthy fraction of our population have hitherto prevented the development of an independent class of @ the public lands have been acquired and have been tied up in a few hands or parcelled to suit favorites, and @ farmers and planters have been driven out by corporations of combinations of capitalists; but as small farming is conducive to the stability of the state, it should be encouraged by a new and more liberal Homestead act, by which the ownership of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of families of our present population,—and especially of the native Hawaiians who have been left almost homeless in there country—should be rendered possible.  To that end the Government and Crown lands, (in so far as can be down without invading vested rights) should be @ as soon as possible to homesteads, and conferred upon bona-fide settlers free of taxes for a limited period.

            It should be the further aim of government to, at once, so far improve the means of transportation,—local, national and international,—as to provide, in all the districts, cheap means of conveying the product of the soil to market.


            11. We hold that upright and honest manhood, and not the possession of wealthy, arbitrarily fixed, should @ the right to vote for nobles as well as representatives, and no more power should be accorded to the ballot of the rich man than to the ballot of the poor man.  The discrimination in favor of wealth now made in our Constitution is contrary to all the eternal principles of right and justice and must be abolished.  To this end, we will favor a leveling of the present distinction of wealth and classes which blemish our laws with repsect of the right to vote for nobles, thereby restoring to the native Hawaiians privilages which pertain to them in their own country, and of which they have been unjustly deprived.


            12. We favor the expenditure of sufficient @ to secure a number of needed public improvements on Oahu and other Islands; @, railroads and harbors and wharves, public @, and also a thorough system of reservoirs and water-works, not only for Honolulu, but through-out the other Islands.