Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 386, 10 Pepeluali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


INDKPENDENCi? OFTHE COU»»Y 2. Out of «>nskieratkm k>r the mh&mik right§and preBent opinhma of the natire pofmlation, ] we dersire to reUin tke iwiepeiKieiiee ofi the Coontry aad Mmd itfl autonomy, uncK>ra Uheeai anct po|»i> lar form of ffo\-emmeiit; butoorTreatleB with Poreign Howere, aad ye«peeialt wiih Uie Uiiiied Btatos ©f Atnerk», flhonld be retised, m ne to Jietter roeet preeent nece«ities and to obtain more «quit»bkiaiivftntigM in exc4iangeof th<ine granted by iie. Jri>!CIJKY KKFOKIift 3. Oar J(ulk-iar>' «y9tem ami Cttd* ol Prm*«i(lure uniBt be HalNuiiiml to a t)Hjrougli reviak>ii. eo as io «mcure a i4teap anil pmmpi adrainiotratk»o of jtteta<*Mree •if all aectarian or |iat»iian and to 4ēiukr Uie Jndg»t mon» dintctly re»> |M)u»ible lo the P«Bop&; and we are in favor of a niore liberal U»t*rprefcetion of Coiurtitutional guarai\tees of (reeik>xn ■:«f and th|e pre*#. TAXATIOX 4.\ uiore junt an<l per§»ct *ystem of» Taxation raust be inangtirated f u>abo, !i«h the prteent l inet)ualiUe«H by whidi the property af the poor i« exceeeive)y tax*Hl, whiie nvueh of th« rioh man*e f|uoda are under-vah»ed »or aiweiiMumnt or entiraiy eeeape taxation; ehall tlierefor» deman<l the pininam o( lawe that wili more |eHMnally enb|ect the property of corp|ofmtiuui aad rich dtK aeiiē to their jmrt proportiea of pnhlie bordene. whiie i «ranting mo» liheml eaemplkma to the poor; and as a nmaae of<tiecottm«in« limkHiiai »P Qllprte tvarte of uerii|tivated land*, a dteerentia) tax «hoald b4 k>vkd in additkMi to the aeaal aeaeenmme en \-aination.whkl) eiionkl he ia praportkm to the fertiiity 0f the #Q«t. We fthall a)eekienr th»ea» taMMinwnt of a gradt»led ifiasae~t«x, and thue expert to obtain ampie fnmta tor i-ondncttn||t iIU tfovernment and atfendiag t» ali aeeiMunr pahlie iapnm»< menta «ithout any furtber mll« uii tiie MONpPOUKK 5. We ehall «4 <Hir eOhne to ohlain lawe by whieh all |lavorltiem in the 80.*emment and al! monopoliee, tr«Mt«ami |Mri¥Uefm lo apeeial dwssa ehali be

wiwe 4 '"'' : W> ti. t«w» «IwmW vil TWe pirto« lpH* ei -V lioa of (k« gitvert*tii£9gi lbf ■ peopio be peuMiah&L aad r.o ; mas ei>ou!d be aiiaweei id Nid ««* tha* oi* ofih** <>f i»rofit ( wbte eai««Hi nhoukl be adaqest» rnmipnn)nttjM f i th«iMUTkicii ree<ler«d. Atl a*» Jttr«#s »hottiii r«duc«4 diKi att «ina vurt« or «iap6iirfliiou» oAeea AnlWidl. |»RfltKCmOK TŌ HOHE JHIHTR!K* 7. We in favor of «U hou»e agr3cuUure and mduMrte<. , our Bat>ve produete, Hbe rieē, eoffiee, V*hi|. tohftm> t etc. ohooUi I» p«aMrit>d *o<! Hikmeā by prof>6f terit r*<gttlBikm; aml &iw> H m«uit be th« dtity o£ th* Gvvr uent t it» iui ooatraete ao<l «tber operjytioaa, tc iiv« pnleMee $o natioiuil pro» dicte owr itm«ned ami. LOOAL SEiJK^GOVE&NMKM' ' *. We d«air« « a»ocv lfbe*ai piilk? to> ww(te tha diSer«Bt lalendß of ti*B Kia«doa>. oot«d« of Oahii; th«v flhoold ret*ive a fairer proportkm o( the pabltc n»wvs for tbe devt>iopiaaitof their rewwm*eß aiMi the aatSafaeltrxi <if thalr *anta. in fact r tfce pri»cipfc «! hwa;, Bdl-govomra«at ahmld ho «ehaiM, Mrhereby giring may ctuea»&e most important of th«ir k»ai es»eative a#dkvy laeea fer tha peepo»? i i« <*1 iau>rovemesits of apilKe Bfttore. PROTECTION TOTHE LABOUBIN»i CLAS«fi& 0. We ahall e&doree ali ot««aiire tendiug to impra#olhe com4ffim of workinfc eiaeeee»a&d coaaei|BeBtly, wHIh oat iß|oriag any r%hta, we wfll advocato t»wa to pwwwni ali fttrthar impoMia « of lahor of «ay bm> eaßdM«ni *bidi wiū brtas * Ulo a nbw d»(ri4iag«M>>«titloa «kkkn&wi vm or while hter. W« ehall «bo, iu ths iaienai of the holtor ma&mlkm of F the poor,aafc far m*r* tihend «amplioii of their p«wperty f*o®i foreed aale oo e* ««**&»♦ uA from mHhik ui ha»kraptcv S»ALI. FAMMWQ AND HOMK 10. HM weaHhy fractīou oloarpop»le;|ob hßve bithorto ®ent ofan indepeeießt cIMB «I cttlam, th« paWk*.l*mte have hea acqoired aad have heea tied up ia & frw haola or pwrvalftd to euit tororitee, aad m*A ianaepe and ptaater* hav« heen driven Mt hr «ofpoi«tioiiB or ce«thteaiioße of capitaliate; hot aa aaall f*nnia« » iucive to the efahilitt of the Btate, it ahoold pe «Btwraipd 6r a oew «ad bmw !ibetai aei, bv wheh the ownerehip of rtudl ti*eta of kiul and the aetUoaeeekt Umhw» ttf NimlHn of onr preaeßt popift)«tiociv~-«Bd iy of the aative llawaiiaaa who have been ieft ain*et homeleee in themeoßß~ trv-eho«ld be r«Bdered ponlhh. Ty that ead» Ū» Go\-ernme»t and Oro«n lande» (in eofar aaean he doßewithoßt in>-ad«i* veatedrfghta • $hm\ā hedevot~ ed aa anon aa ponihle to hnmmneiln. aad ooBfxW»«d npon bonerfide «nhn fw« of tBK»e for a iiaail«d p*«od. • lt dioßld he the f«rthe»w« of p«|. iß«nt tow at obc% «o ter iatpfWf« th« •H th»dhtrieh, ehm ae««B«of e«i««ring the pr«d«rt of theeo£l |« v KUfOW»AL &IHOT. 11. W« hold that npHghtand hoaaat PMWMiou of «MwUhe «rcorde<ftoth« hd6al«lsfc ffmSh mmhim «*r GM^taSna «<sSSh*le?w3tiStlESSS a,"^3E»sari,ts ga; i sa,'itasva'u; &£j£ua?saS Sss IXT*RSAL IMJ>ROVKIfENTS 1* ti»e evpeßdH«K« of mtāh *?** * ***** *■ noaaher of Mded aarffirac?s«as: a«d whanNas*~ pnhln' lifht, amd aiaaa thoro«sh ey«te«a, of #iaarv«ii« «prf >t n,| aaili, ■* «« ~ l a IH ii| MI iNw eKINMMIIIh Nl throoeV<H(t the othcr 1«l«adBu