Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 386, 10 Pepeluali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That supplied the <rir> t L*>t supplied the Chi», Bnßh anpplied the H'i». and cftrapaign Boodler« supp)ied tbe 7V>».
That somO of the clerks in ihe departixieiitB needs a run ou graes fbr u\vhi!<" im ordcr to better approciate a w aroi aad well gnutied Btttll.
t h\» cjming aoneion of the Legi?ktui> will lie a 2ong one, and tho l.!bvrai- propot»e to nee it out.
TNt th<* volor of the eier:tioa inspectors *how« howmueh Charley sy iicp«thr?ed with the Kanaka. atid whnt to hope for in return.
Th4tall is not lo«t with sueh )e«jors io the I>gisUture Botb Wiloox and A»}tford &od their sup« porters. and tuoh of their parly ts Maniuea, lloea, Uay. CuinuiiMtß and Thomas, who are aliil i»oteni in thi* oouo9elB of Uie Liheml I\irtv.
That Mr. Thurato«» in hi* dead past Mt» r to the Butletin cannot ooueea) his hatred of Ihe nallp peopie, «nd hfe c»ntemot tfU Natiooāl Reforro party. whom he fl«ttm himwlf he haanow utslised. Jwft ihink of āuoh men «8 Neuaann and Peteraon heine led by e?en «ueh a polit|oal and »'iio6d" for Ihe purpose ofdelivering thv goods eal)ed for By Thur9tonWiJtaiai.u. SellHiutlJ emalem!!
That th# : itly John the voti»ff Regiater «t ftv* dollam % day sbews pe{cnlīar blindnw *» the appointer āppoi*£f*ē and liiutual umlerst4n<ling in'the matt«r.
That W. Aehi got 4A voUt: just the nomb9r of his eouaini and uncles. now takef an extra curl *n hiw whieh give» hima careworn look.
That nativ|p Hawaiiana aatistad toelwt C. W.| Ashford beeaa«e thejr thought he knew the fornv of bination thai wtftild anloek the tricfeery and' ra«cality. locked ap in the forced eoiiatifutioli of VSB7.
That the fJreign born voters depended uponC. W. Ashford to remodel the eombipation of the constit<»t» ion and makei it uo that Hoodler« would be prevented front gettins their fingcrs in the government tre&sury.
That as tbere !s a prospect of, a ehange of Ministry, it is high time for Godfere to eome home to hi* adopted country from his native land, and with the aid of a littie fbreign diplomacy, ship him as eabinet tutor.