Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 386, 10 Pepeluali 1892 — Inconsistency. [ARTICLE]
Thft inccmsiBtency of the mecbsn ics Rnd workiagmen of is sstoniBhmg. Tbey baTObe«n agiUting fbr a oumber ofyears ajsali)Bt eoolie Übor, and yet on e!ection day lthey allowed themse)veB to be | blind)y indticed to vote for Hoaa j Bowler's tioupe who are all in faj vor of th« eoolie. The five men 1 whom Bo8« 6owler induced ihe j people of Honolulu to elect as NoI hlos ar»» the direct representativeB oftrufts and mohopoliee tbat are antftponistu! to tbe men of i«ll. Their exoberance over the result of thc elections hae not failed to re\N»l tbe faot that Bowler's tronite are solidly in favor of eooliee. Of courac they say that they wilt only bring eoolie under restrictionft. liut we 4ssert that neither the Briti»li Kast In*iia or the Chi nese governm«nt wili permit tbeir »«bjects to eome here under any aueh humiliatiap oondition!i ftR our planier« ?>ropti?? for theni. If ocn>Uor cyme, th«»y will eoine only willi the privilege arct»nletl to every other clasB of io>mipranl of reitaining buro after the cxpiration of the contra<:t lt will be only a juat retribution on thc noecbanicf of Honolulu, if the re6ult of their ballotting 011 thc Ird of February be to introduce the eoolie tbat will jdrive them out of the cnuntry with I their conij»tition. We thouid rejgret te it. Tb* īilwral Party wai thc frieiid of th«i workingmun, but he deliberatelv marched into hi« eauip, &iid w;H bc tlie author of Jiif own misfortune. Thc ag£regstion offi w Tammany Xobl< a whom'.the Boss asei*te<i II ic Heforui PaHy. : ie'te i »o t lw» Legi*lrtfure« are pl<xlgwi Ui the *up* l*ort of the constituUonal amend* meut tlmt will m large of foreign volei». JU Lkm- that theae men will to m«4r plcdg«» 'and thut Ihe l,ilw*r.»'-: »vii! voto with theni *»n tii2H i**:ue. Tiie Liu«»ral Party re-
peaf?d!y ann»ūinc<*<l that th»av to <k*fcat thi« pirticuiar anienUinem. But tno foreigners theniselvos, whout tiie Liboral l'urItv wafc i>rotocting, saw iit to voie • against the:r fricn«is an<l give their j | j?upport to a h.indful of aehenie** ] ; who are pledg«Hl to ;i Piiicidal diafranchiKeiuont. \\V hope the Lib« erul Party wili vheorfully <w.n<'ar in the a<iopted pGlicy of lk>wler'i •Tammany anil assist thom to pass the amendment whieh is apparcut*ly approve<l of hv x majority of the foreign voterß v»f !Ion«lulu. eay cheerfully. *'»r if th'> a)ien is so ready to give up hi« vote it wiil niaterially *trengthen the voting power of the Lil>eral Party at the next ekeiion. I