Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 385, 9 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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( rhat ihe ul' the ri 11« i* <j uite ; l&uie now. and will aoo» be n 'leael dock in thiT 77uu j>layed him fot sfOose: i . That- the opiam dealers. whoie* (sakm 6ftpocial)y juhilmit or«*r ;■th* their in«u i . .

' Tli4t Lar®cn Bay. KuftUu)x»ko; wiil be JoUed onm» more with Hhip- [ oallwi tho Kle«t fh>m Kawuhae. j n»At heuauAO P©tor Rou»iw voted jag»li)Bt tbe Road Board. he i» ! r*»pcrt<Ni to be tb« Rond Huf>erv)fior That proit«liii,i Kenyoii t>aTid in j fpply to otiquiry. tb*t hc i* oot ! going to protest ag«in»t £&tujrdey'o 1 |>aradc j T»ja* t.b«f ttb»enc« of tbe PoHw al : tbe FiT« prov<«, | tfaH Jito <»piun). tb«y arw «eatrolied . bv oj» or Iwo men i ' lliai Ut* :D«ml W will nol |d(nm v wbea tbe CbrtAtm«s-Box ( tak«r thinke ther*s a poitit iu b> lnw bv twttmeii«ig it

'* • » "U»U Ll¥ i '<HU& i>i!iitighatij, han hatfi diaobarfft«i(| tnm hia e«pk>y all th* nen ha ?uftdi fcr * i. Rfr.HTii oM F«br»iiirv Hiau thf HIIIU Cla«s' bit«>it€«a wii! bef«iV<ial%»tfd by • parUu»evtt%« rv ott ibe uMting of ib« J**ptai*t»re % unWfe§ <He rbrotui**», H>\ .t*k*r oan ut|luui tha NMionul I Raforw tJ *bury Iha <fo*i I pa*t" !

Ttirrff- fifiiin iii<rtlftnu/ Me. nMowm V ;o«idN^-p^.::; • - ¥ immJgr^ cb aUek lo work on rd|w#yii 4n<l «iHftß6fl e»ntf i TbatQttiuD 8 to tbo Chln«o fi«ow drNfi»f MMI bas bee« in poatpoogd uod hla bili ki stop tbe i&Hnmee of buaiom )ieetiei e«kstia t will not be * fi»t tiM tko coiaftiQg e©ssioii. ;

That the t&muuftr fiOM Mllk godd b*ftitb ood is traixiis;s bi« <* j*e !i^»u w N«Ms I» perfei m Tauanjauy 4r|o)uu ji*si as itis done ifi r s<ry/ r Vork, dofr't yo moind. /

Tbat the luan with tfae troo |aw wae a patt#r« efmod®Biy ami bur uulity oompared to the pooket bor roogh member frout Ba!dwinv!ile t w hen bc a&sunm to <iictate t<> tbe National member« how tfey Q)ust to tbrottle the !iberal leadeVs who •' <ar he *aya) have ilretdy f.irnUbed the co«»ntrv with <»no i*yolution. " \Vhere. oli when»; was i!»« poekei boroußh i inem|»er or lbet* hisU>ric 30th of Auue ? Both before J uiw i-UHh and after .1 uiy 7th, had peraded the ffonolulu Rihe , B «nif6rm. But if he wi«hes to purgtt htniself of the «■ h i >n** ho eharges other» we coiiced«f hlru the fa<*t that during the [ter!r>d 1 imited by she above dates, he kopt r<»ligic .islv beyond aUgC. i. ■. !; "